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HomeLatest NewsAt the UN, they prepare the future behind our backs

At the UN, they prepare the future behind our backs

To generate widespread interest, all information must be local. What matters is what affects me, and that’s why International component has traditionally had a sort of specialized hobby, distant topics to navigate to reach pages of content closer to the reader. However, in an increasingly globalized world, what is decided thousands of kilometers away has increasingly immediate and fatal consequences for the reader.

We have been living it for years with what is decided in Brussels. We lived through it for two and a half years absolutely Orwellians with the pandemic, when governments distant from each other in every sense – geographical, cultural, political – adopted identical, ineffective and unprecedented measures, as if responding to a set of final instructions. We are experiencing it today with Climate Change (registered trademark) and its accompanying Green Agenda which is leading us to ruin and the loss of freedoms.

Motus in fine speedsays the classic: the movement accelerates towards the end. We have decades of paradigm shift in which the traditional spectrum of right and left is blurred in the world, blurred, replaced by another axis, that which opposes globalists and sovereignists. The limits are becoming clearer every day, but a large part of humanity remains anchored in the old pattern, to its detriment.

Last week something happened that went unnoticed and yet may be recorded in the history books of the future as an ominous date. The UN and its member governments, with the determined support of Chinese Communist Party (CPC), adopted a historic agreement to give the international organization more power and influence in world affairs.

With the name of Pact for the futureThe new agreement outlines 56 actions that governments and international institutions must take in the coming years. Key provisions include “transformation of global governance” and greater accountability of international institutions on a range of issues, including “sustainable development and financing for development” as well as “science, technology and innovation , as well as digital cooperation.”

The pact includes a Global digital compact to restrict “misinformation” and Declaration on future generations which encompasses the climate goals of the 2030 Agenda which include the phasing out of fossil fuels. This is also part of the transformation of the UN into what the organization promotes in its promotional materials like UN 2.0.

UN leaders and senior CPC officials hailed the agreement as a historic effort to create a better future for humanity and increase global cooperation on international issues.

But if globalization is a reality, and an inevitable reality full of positive opportunities, the globalism is an ideologya political doctrine which also faces growing citizen opposition.

This week we are coming out of the elections in Austria which gave victory to the Freedom Party, the FPÖ. The slogan of the conventional press is that “the Nazis” have won, in a disconcerting renunciation on the part of the so-called serious media of any appearance of objectivity.

In Germany, the demonized advance with unstoppable force Alternative for Germany (AfD)with the same objective that public power remains in the hands of citizens directly affected by the decisions of leaders and the desire for the nation to remain sovereign. Another Freedom Party governs in the Netherlands, that of Wilder. In France, the National Regroupment of Le Pen It has been the most powerful party for years, winning a spectacular majority of votes in the last parliamentary elections, frustrated only by a particular electoral system.

In other words, the citizen gradually awakens to a new reality in which the global elite maneuvers to impose on him a future very different from the one he knows. The words are always very kind, but what he sees is that they ask him to accept being poorer every day, to be subject to increasing control, to see their freedoms restricted -especially freedom of speech- and barely knowing the people who run your life.

We could almost say that the battle that awaits us is that of continuing to open newspapers (sensu lato) for the National sectionbecause this is what continues to condition our daily lives.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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