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HomeLatest NewsThese are high protein foods that you can have as “snacks”.

These are high protein foods that you can have as “snacks”.

When the idea of snack, The first thing that comes to mind is chips or chocolate. But there is the option of having something between meals, when hunger strikes mid-morning or mid-afternoon, which can be very nutritious and healthy.

Proteins are satiating, they are one of the nutrients that require the most digestive work. So, by keeping the stomach occupied for longer, the appetite is kept at bay.

On the other hand, proteins are the main building blocks of your tissues and organs and are necessary to help the body repair injuries. It also promotes muscle preservation. This maintenance is of the utmost importance at any age, but it becomes essential as we age, especially in the case of women who consume it in smaller quantities.

The simple intake of protein stimulates muscle synthesis. In particular, proteins of animal origin offer all the essential amino acids and therefore have a high biological value, constituting a good way to add the substrate necessary for the creation of muscle fibers.

In general, the recommended daily amount of protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Many studies have indicated that ingesting proteins before going to bed at night can be effective in improving their synthesis in the muscle. This means that during the night, protein growth is stimulated and the total balance of your body improves. In addition, it can also contribute to the maintenance of muscle mass, both in good health and in cases of illness.

There are countless possibilities for preparing a snack nutrient. In this article we are going to tell you about six ideal and healthy foods to consume between meals and with a high protein content. All this, without losing delicious flavor and without feeling hungry during the day.


In addition to protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates, legumes also contain vitamins and minerals, such as iron, potassium and folic acid, important for recovery.

You can enjoy this legume in a salad by adding vegetables such as cucumber, tomato or even raw pepper and olive oil. It is a fresh and nutritious salad, ideal for regaining strength.

You can also opt for hummus (chickpea cream with lemon juice to which you can add other vegetables or legumes) with toasted bread or with raw vegetables, such as carrots. To take it like snack You can put it in the oven. It’s a great vegan alternative.

Or try your luck with roasted chickpeas: preheat the oven to 230ºC. Dry some jarred chickpeas with paper towels, season them with olive oil, salt, garlic salt and cayenne pepper. Spread them on a baking sheet and roast for 30-40 minutes until golden and crispy.


A few pieces of cheese are a classic between meals and a good source of protein (five to seven grams of protein per 28 grams of cheese). With so many options, cheese offers delicious flavor and plenty of protein.

Of course, you have to be careful when choosing the type of cheese since it can contain a lot of fat. Cream cheese is perhaps the lowest calorie option. Others would be Gouda, Edam, Parmesan, Manchego or Cheddar.

Typically, hard cheeses contain more protein. If you like soft cheeses like Brie or Greek Feta, you’ll need to eat more of them to get the protein you’re looking for.

dried fruit

THE Nuts contain a good portion of protein, in addition to being a food rich in fiber and omega-3. According to Harvard University, the nuts highest in protein are peanuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios. For almonds to be healthier, they should be eaten naturally and without salt.

Their calorie content and the healthy fats they contain make them superfoods to consume in moderation.

They can be eaten with yogurt for example, or alone or with a handful of dehydrated fruit for a sweet touch and a carbohydrate boost. You need to make sure you drink enough fluid for the fruit to expand.


Eggs are a food of high biological value, healthy and low in calories. Its yolks are like natural multivitamins.

They are delicious, quick to prepare and practical. Boil eggs so you already have them cooked on hand when you get hungry. One pair contains almost 13 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of net carbs, making them a perfect low-carb snack option.

They can be grilled, cooked in a salad or toast, on their own or with almost any food.


Half a can of tuna can contain up to 25.5 grams of protein. You can add tuna to a salad or make a spread with it. It is easy to store and is generally inexpensive. It contains mainly protein and almost no carbohydrates.

Canned fish is cooked, so you can sprinkle it with herbs, a squeeze of lemon or extra virgin olive oil, or just eat it as it comes out of the can. It’s a snack quick that you can store in your pantry.


Some yogurts can be a good source of protein, such as Greek yogurt, skyr and the kvarg.

Greek yogurt is an easy-to-find alternative. This yogurt is filtered to make it more concentrated, resulting in a higher protein level than regular yogurt.

However, if you find Greek yogurt too acidic, try its Icelandic cousin, skyrwhich has a milder flavor.

He kvarg, For its part, it is a dairy product originating in Sweden, but which can now be obtained in Spain. Its production process is similar to that of cheese, as it is made with fermented milk.

They can be combined with red fruits and nuts and this becomes the snack Protect mid-morning or as a perfect snack.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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