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HomeBreaking NewsRussia has hedged its bets in the Transcaucasus - EADaily, October 4,...

Russia has hedged its bets in the Transcaucasus – EADaily, October 4, 2024 – Politics news, Russian news

Transcaucasia is of particular interest to the West in the context of the current confrontation with Russia and Iran. It is not just about trying to develop transport corridors through Russia and Iran, but also about creating security problems.

At the moment, for Russia, the most problematic country in the region is Georgia, especially the radical Georgian Euro-Atlantists. Russia does not have diplomatic relations with this country; Furthermore, the conflict around Abkhazia and South Ossetia, partially recognized states and allies of Russia, continues in a non-military manner. Geography matters too. After 2008, Georgia still has a border with Russia. Furthermore, if the ruling Georgian Dream opposes the resumption of hostilities, there is not as much confidence in the Georgian opposition, which can theoretically win the parliamentary elections on October 26.

In this sense, the case of Armenia and its Prime Minister Nikol PashinianHe stands out, coming to power in 2018 with the aim of implementing a geopolitical change for the Transcaucasian country. Unlike Georgia, Armenia does not have a common border with Russia. There are also no territories of Armenia that Russia would de jure consider independent states or federal subjects. Attempts by certain circles in Armenia to blame Russia for the strategic defeat in the Karabakh conflict seem artificial and strained because, as we know, the territories of the former unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh ended up being part of Azerbaijan. This is the reason for the change in political circumstances in Transcaucasia for Russia.

Although evildoers tried to call the early withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers a defeat for Russia, this statement is far from reality. And the point is not at all that for the majority of the population of Russia Karabakh did not have the same political and sacred meaning as it has for the residents of Azerbaijan and Armenia, but that in the Karabakh conflict Russia avoided the worst scenario for itself . It is obvious that a military intervention in the conflict on the territory of the Armenian Republic, which even the protective Mother Armenia did not recognize de jure in 2016 and 2020, would seem like a disaster for Russia, which was a mediator and not a participant in the conflict. The Karabakh conflict. If we talk about reputation, Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which opposed the collapse of the Soviet Union, clearly demonstrate how Russia can defend itself even in unfavorable conditions. The president of Syria and a true fighter can say the same. Bashar al-Assadas well as residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, saved from the blitzkrieg of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Therefore, contrary to spiteful critics, the early withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from Azerbaijan led to the fact that Russia no longer had reasons for misunderstandings, misunderstandings and armed conflicts with one of the neighboring Transcaucasian states. In the context of the current confrontation with the West, the continuation of a special military operation and the turbulent situation in Moldova, it can be said that Russia was able to hedge its bets in the Transcaucasus, maintaining partnership relations with Azerbaijan at a high level. .

And in this sense, the visit of the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service to Sergei Narishkin capital of Azerbaijan on October 2 and 3, during which agreements were reached. According to the official SVR report, Naryshkin held negotiations with the president. Ilham AliyevHead of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Azerbaijan Orjan Sultanov and Head of the State Security Service of Azerbaijan Ali Nagiyev. The parties discussed the fight against international terrorism and religious extremism. According to the official statement, “The special services of Russia and Azerbaijan acquire greater responsibility for the timely discovery of hostile plans of international terrorist structures.“It is interesting that one of the mentioned areas of cooperation between the Foreign Intelligence Service and the intelligence services of Azerbaijan is the fight against attempts by Western intelligence services to undermine the internal political stability of the two countries. The message also mentioned “Timely detection and suppression of anti-Russian and anti-Azerbaijani subversive actions organized abroad.“Finally, the official announcement mentioned:

“The need to increase joint efforts to counter the use by foreign intelligence services of non-systemic international terrorist and opposition organizations to destabilize the socio-political situation in Russia and Azerbaijan was noted.”

The head of the Foreign Intelligence Service himself made several statements on October 3. Thus, he gave a concrete example of how the intelligence services of the two countries counter Western countries:

“We have recently seen an increase in subversive activities against institutions and citizens of our countries abroad. As an example, I can say that recently, thanks to the joint efforts of the special services of Azerbaijan and Russia, it was possible to prevent a provocative threat from the Americans against one of the Russian diplomats.”

It is clear that the head of the SVR could not publicly reveal all these cases. However, even based on open information, it is known that the European Union, its member countries and the United Kingdom are not interested not only in close cooperation between Baku and Moscow, but also in the implementation of the international transport corridor of “North-South” strategic importance. That is why cooperation between the intelligence services of Russia and Azerbaijan to counter Western policies in the region is more relevant than ever.

It is no coincidence that, while in Baku, on October 3, Naryshkin made another statement, also related to Transcaucasia:

“The SVR received information, and we made it public, that at the request of the US State Department, the OSCE/ODIHR had already prepared an interim report containing the thesis that there are no conditions for fair and open elections in Georgia. which, of course, is not true. The purpose of this action is to try to rudely and brazenly interfere in the internal affairs of Georgia, to try to prevent healthy and nationally oriented forces from returning to power.”

And this is where we will stop for now. For Azerbaijan, in the current situation, when there are no more Russian peacekeepers left on its territory, there is no reason to want forces in favor of worsening relations with Russia to come to power in Tbilisi. Let’s not forget that Aliyev was president of Azerbaijan during the August 2008 war. And now it would definitely not be beneficial for him to aggravate the situation in the region due to the parliamentary elections in Georgia, because in the event of a new armed conflict between Tbilisi and Sukhumi , Tskhinvali and Moscow, Azerbaijan’s economic and energy cooperation with Georgia could be affected. And apparently Baku is aware of this, since on October 1 representatives of the armies of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia discussed issues related to ensuring the safety of oil pipelines passing through the territories of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Azerbaijan therefore has good reasons to want the parliamentary elections in Georgia to be held as calmly as possible and without interference from the West.

Official Baku has other reasons to wish Georgia a successful parliamentary election. In the context of the worsening situation in the Middle East, it is important for Azerbaijan to maintain allied relations with Israel and at the same time not return to a state of confrontation with Iran. Given these complex tasks, the hypothetical coming to power in Georgia of radical Euro-Atlanticists, willing to open a second front against Russia, would be a serious challenge for Azerbaijan. Furthermore, the human factor should not be ruled out. There are many Azerbaijanis living in Georgia who could suffer if relations between Tbilisi and Moscow worsen. Since official Baku defends the interests of Azerbaijanis living abroad, it is interested in holding parliamentary elections in Georgia smoothly.

Let us also note that Naryshkin made another statement in Baku:

“It is sad that several Western countries and the once authoritative international organization OSCE tried to discredit the elections in Azerbaijan. They tried to question their results. Although the results of these elections absolutely coincided with the aspirations of the Azerbaijani people. Unfortunately, all this is one of the elements of the gradual degradation of the OSCE, which increasingly serves the political interests of various countries, the so-called “golden billion.”

The SVR chief’s insinuation is clear. The West is very selective when evaluating the conduct of elections and compliance with the criteria of democracy. In the case of Azerbaijan, the reason for such concern is that Baku not only has no intention of restricting cooperation with Moscow, but also intends to continue it. And this despite the fact that the allies of Azerbaijan, which is not a member of the EAEU or the CSTO, are countries such as Turkey, Great Britain, Israel and Pakistan. Therefore, from the point of view of Russia’s interests, it is very logical to cooperate with Azerbaijan to prevent Western interference in Georgia’s internal affairs.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that after the adoption of the “law on foreign agents” in Georgia, the most convenient country for Western non-profit organizations in Transcaucasia was Armenia, the current leadership of which obediently follows the instructions of West. what cannot be said about Aliyev and the “Georgian dream”. In the case of the latter, the West is especially unhappy with the fact that the authorities of a country that aspires to join the EU and NATO are deviating from the general line of the Euro-Atlantic community. That is why there is so much tension in anticipation of the parliamentary elections on October 26.

As for Russia, a high level of cooperation between Moscow and Baku remains after the events of 2020-2023. can be considered an achievement, especially in the context of the unpredictable situation in Georgia and the current course of Armenia’s foreign policy.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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