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In Alsace, the reopening to navigation of an abandoned section of the Rhine-Rhône canal divides

Near the Artzenheim (Haut Rhine) lock, the old Rhône-Rhine canal runs peacefully northwards. Along the banks, maples, alders, chestnuts… Some, two hundred years old, majestic, appear on the surface, others, younger, grow on the banks, sometimes in the water, under which small fish zigzag. Blue butterflies and dragonflies land on the surface. The cycle path that runs along the canal is very popular with European cyclists. On the bridge, where the D111 crosses, a label warns: “Don’t touch my wild channel!” »

In fact, at the beginning of September work began to restore navigation on the 24.5 kilometer stretch. which connects Artzenheim with Friesenheim (Bas Rhine). Inaugurated in 1933, the canal that connects the Saone, a tributary of the Rhône, with the Rhine, extends over 375 kilometers, the vast majority of which are navigable. The 60 km Alsatian section was partially abandoned and then abandoned starting in the 1960s.

Since then, nature has reclaimed the land, turning the places into habitats for species such as the muscardin, the Lessona frog, the large marsh butterfly, the forest cat or even the melodious linnet… Today, the Greater The latter, owner of the route, intends to develop recreational navigation there: a 46.5 million euro project, partly financed with European funds. Ultimately, the redevelopment should allow the passage of 5-meter boats. The region expects the passage of six thousand vessels and profits of between 9 and 12 million euros per year.

Damaged tree roots

The development of the Rhine cycle route, in 2010, It has only slightly altered the ecosystem, but restarting navigation risks doing so, local associations warn. On their behalf, the Huglo Lepage law firm filed an appeal on Friday, September 27, before the Strasbourg administrative court. These associations denounce “the absence of authorization for exemptions for “protected species”, as well as ERC measures [éviter, réduire, compenser] “protect wetlands dependent on the watercourse, which are at risk of being destroyed”explains Theophile Begel. Opponents are calling for demonstrations on October 5 in Marckolsheim (Bas Rhine), the main city on the project’s route.

“We are going to cut what overflows, from the left and the right”is alarmed Pascal Lacombe of the Le Chaudron des Alternatives collective, showing the trees and grass that line the canal. Francis Guth, of the Porte du Ried Nature association, fears the damage caused by the increase in draft, intended to make navigation in both directions possible. “The canal is leakinghe explains, pointing to a parallel moat below, where a wetland has formed that runs through the entire structure. As the water level increases, leaks will also increase. The proposed solution is to dig a 5 meter trench under the bike path for waterproofing, with some pipes to preserve the wet area. »

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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