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“The wealth of the Catalans belongs to everyone”

Pedro Sanchez began its series of meetings with regional presidents. And although this Friday he also attended the popular presidents of the Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community, respectively Fernando López Miras and Carlos Mazón, the morbidity was with the meeting he held this afternoon with someone of his own party, La Mancha president Emiliano García-Page.

Page has been one of the most critical of the President of the Government regarding the single financing of Catalonia and this was conveyed to him during the meeting they held in Moncloa, the first since both occupied their respective functions. “I hope that a meeting with the president will not be a novelty,” he told the media upon his departure.

Although he also addressed during the meeting issues that concern Castilla-La Mancha, The main theme of the meeting was single financing for Catalonia. “My approach is what you’ve always heard me say. I’ve already laid out the arguments of the game and expressed them with respect,” Page explained.

My position is transversal, it would be the same if instead of the ERC and the COPS the document was proposed by Madrid”

The leader of La Mancha reaffirmed that wealth cannot be divided: “Spanish wealth belongs to everyone. I am opposed to wealth starting to be divided by territory. The wealth of Castile-La Mancha does not belong to the Castilian-La Mancha people. The wealth of Catalonia does not belong to the Catalans. It belongs to everyone. “It’s not about everyone having more, but about no one getting away with more than others.”

Furthermore, Page indicated that Castilla-La Mancha will not negotiate territorial financing with the document published by ERC: “We defend the model that is negotiated is multilateral, that there are no special regimes. The document at ERC will in no way be the document on which it is debated. “I propose to reach an agreement.”

He has not revealed what Sánchez transmitted to him on this subject, but he guarantees that it comes out “identical” as to how he arrived regarding the information on the pact with ERC, which is why he maintains that This is an agreement for an economic agreement “like the top of a pine tree”. And for this reason, he insisted that in the event that territorial financing was special for each autonomous community, it would not enter into negotiations.

“My position is transversal, it would be the same if instead of the ERC and the COPS the document was proposed by Madrid,” he added, excluding that his opposition is due to the fact that it concerns Catalonia.

As a result, he called for a “frank dialogue” to reach an agreement, emphasizing that “this is not due to Ferraz.” Of course, Page pointed out that “the PP expected him to come with a sticky bomb, but no” and stressed that “the image of the Genoa branch will not be what the citizens want”by distancing himself from the most popular lyrics.

Meetings also with López Miras and Mazón

The President of the Government also met this Friday with Fernando López Miras and Carlos Mazón, respectively presidents of the Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community.

The “popular” Fernando Lopez Mirasexpressed the uneasiness of his autonomous community to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. The Murcian president indicated “permanent mistreatment” since 2009 of the Region of Murcia.

During his meeting in La Moncloa, López Miras demanded that the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, launch a transitional fund for underfinanced communities, including the Region, while the regional financing model is reformed, time where he reaffirmed his criticisms. of the economic agreement for Catalonia. This was revealed by the Murcian president during the press conference following the bilateral meeting, during which he devoted a large part of his dialogue to talking about regional financing.

In this context, López Miras regretted that Murcia is the most underfunded community since 2009This is why he demanded that Sánchez begin to distribute these resources among all regions while the financing model was reformed. “Since 2009, in the Region of Murcia, there has been permanent damage, mistreatment and inequality, which must be put to an end now,” said the “popular” baron. “Each Murcian receives almost 1,000 euros less than citizens of the best-financed Communities,” he added.

On the other hand, the President of the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazondemanded from Pedro Sánchez a compensation fund for the underfinancing of his autonomy, debt cancellation and reform of the financing system, but made it clear that these issues must be addressed multilaterally.

Mazón met this morning with the President of the Government, as part of the round with regional leaders that Pedro Sánchez is organizing as part of his agreement with the ERC for single funding for Catalonia. In a press conference after the meeting, Mazón considered the reform of the system “urgent”, the cancellation of the debt to the Valencian Community, very close to 60,000 million euros and 40% of its GDP, and the leveling fund, estimated at 1.7 billion euros per year.

In addition, he indicated that he agreed with the President of the Government on the fact that these questions would be debated during the next Fiscal and Financial Policy Council, which will bring together the Treasury advisors, and during the next Conference of Presidents. Mazón explained that “there will be a council, there will be a conference, I don’t know when, but we want all these issues to be discussed at everyone’s table. We are the least well financed of all, we do not need to seek privileges or blackmail,” he explained.

The President of the Valencian Community stressed that the agreement for the single financing of Catalonia “is not an opportunity, as the President of the Government defends, but rather the opposite. In this way, it is broken.” Although he admitted that “we do not yet know the details of the pact”, he warned against making Catalan solidarity conditional on the fiscal policy of other autonomy, regarding which he clarified that “with the fiscal autonomy of Valencians is out of the question.”




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