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HomeLatest NewsThe future scientific law of the Council will create an Andalusian Institute...

The future scientific law of the Council will create an Andalusian Institute of Advanced Research

The future Law for the progress of science, technology and innovation in Andalusia (Activa) envisages the creation of the Andalusian Institute of Advanced Research and Advanced, Competitive and Excellence Research Units to place the community at the forefront of research and development, knowledge transfer and talent recruitment, as supported by Junta of Andalusia.

This standard will have the main objectives promote R&D&I and its transfer to generate knowledge and scientific leadershipimprove the working conditions of its human resources and promote the quality of strategic infrastructure and equipment in this area.

THE Department of University, Research and Innovation On October 4, the administrative procedure for developing the bill began, subjecting the development of said legal text to prior public consultation for a period of 15 days.

During this period, citizens in general and the main groups involved in this legislative change will have the opportunity to make suggestions which will be analyzed subsequently and taken into account, where appropriate, in the development phase of the new law.

These contributions can be registered via the email To facilitate this work, the University Department has put online the web portal of the Government of Andalusia the resolution with information on said document. It is expected that the future law will be approved between the end of 2025 and the beginning of 2026.

The Andalusian Institute of Advanced Research (I2A2), which will be a essential driver of talent and excellence, will be responsible for attracting and retaining high-level researchers, both from Andalusia and from the rest of Spain and the international context, in all areas of knowledge so that they carry out their work in community R&D&I institutions.

The objective is to create a favorable environment to advance in the search for innovative solutions through cutting-edge research to the various challenges that society faces.

Alongside this body, the future regulatory framework also envisages the granting of distinctions or labels of excellence to units, centers and infrastructures which develop highly competitive strategic R&D programs and which are among the best in the world in their respective scientific fields. These are the Units of Research Excellence and the Competitive Research Units.

Another new feature that is intended to be included in this document is the configuration of the Advanced Research Unitswhich will aim to promote knowledge generation within and between universities.

After the consensus

The autonomous Executive intends to have a standard that arises from “maximum consensus” with all the actors of the Andalusian knowledge system” so that it can adapt to the advances and changes produced in the scientific and technological field and promote the progress and sustainable growth of Andalusia.

The active law will also establish mechanisms promoting research in all areas, in the public and private sectors, which will involve support for the creation and consolidation of research centers, the strengthening of collaboration between universities and businesses or the active participation of all agents of the system. Emphasis will also be placed on the transfer of knowledge, technologies and research to the productive sector, particularly with regard to innovation in businesses.

Likewise, another of the axes which will structure the Law will be the talent attraction and internationalization of its scientific and technological system and to this end, policies and programs will be established that facilitate the mobility of researchers, participation in international projects and encourage collaboration with foreign institutions and companies. Added to this is also the support of stabilization of the workforce and generational renewal.

The University Department has set itself the objective of renewing the current regional legal framework regarding R&D due to the time spent, 17 years, since its approval in 2007, and the dynamism that characterizes the scientific, technological and innovative sector.

This new Andalusian regulation will be consistent with what is also designed in the community at university level, the University Law in Andalusia (LUPA), in order to avoid interpretation problems that arise in the national context between the Organic Law of Universities (LOSU) and the state legislation on science, amended in 2022.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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