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Page joins Sánchez and supports reducing Ayuso’s autonomy to reduce taxes in Madrid

The president of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Pagemet in Moncloa the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, discuss the reform of the autonomous financing system proposed by the PSOE. And from this meeting, Garcia Page spoke out in favor of one of Sánchez’s projects aimed at liquidating the fiscal autonomy of the Community of Madrid: the so-called tax harmonization lawwhich would force Isabel Diaz Ayuso to increase taxes.

According to what Page told Sánchez during this meeting, the Castilian-La Mancha president plans to send to Moncloa a working document to propose a “tax harmonization law» which avoids “tax competition between communities”. A proposal which is in line with the projects announced by the Government aimed at reducing the autonomy of Community of Madrid when choosing your own tax system.

Page described as “necessary” this law which, among other things, would force Madrid to assume fiscal burdens determined by taxes practically eradicated in the Community, such as Legacies and Donations. As the government has defended, Madrid’s tax system attracts businesses because it is more advantageous and this is evident in the financing of public services. However, as demonstrated by the Community of Madrid, Madrid’s fiscal policy generates higher income the lower your taxes are.

Page’s proposal means, in practice, liquidating the principle of financial autonomy included in the Spanish Constitution in its article 156: “The Autonomous Communities will enjoy financial autonomy for the development and execution of their powers in accordance with the principles of coordination with the Public Treasury and solidarity among all Spaniards. »

“The economy cannot be divided into 17, like There is no need for 17 markets or fiscal policies.“, Page said during the press conference after his meeting with Sánchez.

Agreement with ERC

Additionally, García-Page urged Sánchez to reconsider the agreement reached between the PSC and the ERC to transfer tax management to Catalonia. Instead, he proposed an approach “multilateral» which involves all autonomous communities in a common debate, with the aim of “resolving a complex challenge”.

After meeting with Sánchez at the Palacio de la Moncloa, García-Page stressed in a press conference that the financing model must be “collective, without special regimes beyond those dictated by the Constitution.”

In this context, he indicated that the Basque Country and Navarre should “feel concerned about the Catalan demands”, saying that, although an exception may be acceptable, “it would not be logical to tense the situation until let it break.”

The regional leader also suggested proposing a national tax harmonization law to avoid “dumping” between autonomous communities, emphasizing that “fiscal capacity cannot be managed with 17 different regimes.” He stressed the need to “avoid tax competition” between territories.

García-Page mentioned that 194 issues that affect relations between Castilla-La Mancha and the central government were discussed at the meeting, many of which must be resolved in coordination with different ministries. He stressed, however, that the main issue was regional funding, a subject he has been emphasizing for some time, both in private and public meetings.

During the interview, he stressed the importance of defending a model based on the principles of progressive social democracy, while respecting the Constitution. He stressed that Spain’s wealth “belongs to everyone” and should not be distributed territorially. “The wealth of Castile-La Mancha does not belong only to the inhabitants of Castile-La Mancha, just as that of Catalonia is not exclusive to the Catalans,” he said, warning that an approach based on distribution of wealth by territory not a federal model, but rather a contradiction with the principles of equity.

For García-Page, the “unity” of Spain is more than ever linked to “equality”. He stressed that the economy cannot be divided into 17 markets or 17 different tax policies, since taxes are paid by people and businesses, and he advocated that those who have the most contribute more, not only in terms income, but also at the territorial level. .

The regional president demanded a “fair redistribution of wealth”, recalling that the principle according to which he who has more pays more must also apply between territories. He cited article 156 of the Constitution to support his vision of redistribution and solidarity, emphasizing that 90% of regional spending goes to health, education and social services, which makes it impossible to grant privileges to some regions compared to others.

Finally, García-Page concluded by affirming that “no territory can hope to conserve all its riches”, because these are the result of the effort of generations.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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