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“It is easier to enter Moncloa if you sponsor a chair than if you win with an absolute majority”

The President of the Popular Party, Alberto Nuñez Feijooassured that the popular They will once again come to the government with an absolute majority and without bowing to the interests of the independentists, while emphasizing that “it is easier to enter the Moncloa if you sponsor a chair than if you win with an absolute majority.” In front of more than 2,000 people and accompanied by Mariano Rajoy, Alphonse Ruedaand the presidents of Castilla y León and the Valencian Community, Alfonso Fernandez doll And Carlos MazonFeijóo began the new political journey in Pontevedra, affirming that the PP is “the democratic party” of Spain.

Feijóo indicated that in the coming months “resign and summon are the only verbs that should be conjugated” Pedro Sanchezalthough he predicted that he would not do so because “to resign and call, you have to have a minimum of integrity and dignity.” On the other hand, the leader of the popular parties insisted on the need to end the strategy of an executive that “does not govern, it commercializes.” For this reason, Feijóo affirmed that the PP is “the democratic party” of Spain. “It is not good to be president of the government without having previously been in the opposition. However, we usually find ourselves in the opposition when the elections are lost. But we are here after winning on July 23, that is why we are the Spanish Democratic Party,” he added.

In this speech, he also claimed that Sánchez’s policies were creating “first and second class citizens,” referring to the transfers that the PSOE did to MRC for the investiture of Salvador Illa“Sanchez is selling what does not belong to him. They say he only governs for his wall. Well, not even that. With the separatist quota, Sanchez is also governing against his own people,” he said, referring to the socialist men who have already openly demonstrated against the singular financing of Catalonia.

Thus, Feijóo said that “he will enforce the law”, to return to a rule of law. “I promise you that we will put an end to Sánchez’s banana conception of government, law and institutions. Spain is not a banana country,” he added. In this sense, the leader of the popular parties regretted the situation of the State security agencies and forces “which must be leaked on television in the interest of the Government.” For this reason, Feijóo is committed to ensuring that the powers of the State are not gathered “around a single person”, ensuring that the judiciary will not submit “to government pressures”.

At this meeting, the leader of the Popular Party also addressed the migration crisis that Spain is going through, “which was generated by the government” and justified Sánchez’s reluctance to sit down with the People’s Party to respond to the different proposals that have been made regarding immigration. Also at the international level, Feijóo has argued that the winner of the elections in Venezuela would be Edmundo Gonzalez and asked the government to lead this electoral recognition in Europe. “Long live democracy in Venezuela,” he concluded.

The arrogance of the government

The president of the Xunta and leader of the Galician PP, Alphonse Ruedadenounced on Saturday the difference in treatment that he sees in the central government with respect to some territories and others because, while treating Galicia “with arrogance” and without responding to its needs, it submits to “the blackmail” of nationalisms. In this regard and with the debate on the financing model as the main axis of the new political course, Rueda reiterated that “Galicia will not allow the rest of us to be harmed to benefit some.”

Regarding the treatment that Moncloa gives to Galicia, Rueda recalled that he won the elections in February and that more than six months later, he has still not been received by the President of the Government, as a sign of inattention to Galicia. “Sánchez has not had time to receive the president of all Galicians, elected by an absolute majority”, while in recent months he has had meetings with the presidents of the Basque Country and Catalonia.

“In Galicia, on the other hand, today we continue to wait because the central government has little interest in us, which has no initiative or investment for the Galician community while it gives in to all the demands of the other communities so that the PSOE remains in power, Moncloa,” said Rueda. “It is clear that for the central government the first thing is Sánchez, the second is Sánchez and the last is Galicia,” lamented the highest regional leader, who believes that the Galicians “do not have to put up with this arrogance.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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