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Excuse me for telling you about ETA

And this is to talk about it ETA It’s not modern, it’s not cool, to put it in the language of the chelis. Plus: it tends to be expensive, a badge, the boring grandfather story. We are a hundred meters away from deciding that ETA, the deadliest group in Spanish historydid not exist. Neither Pictureswho is the one who directs State Security. This is the current story of these payments.

As it turns out that now he’s not killing us at all and he even has an individual sitting in the Congress of Deputies, AizpurúaSánchez’s favorite partner who encouraged the attacks, why does she lash out remembering his crimes? Thank God, some news brings us back from time to time to the truth of a tribe of criminals who, for sixty years, destroyed the established order and the peace of a country which tried, at first, to abandon the autocracy of Franc at the lowest possible cost and, secondly, establish freedom by reconciling a crowd that had literally been beaten in a Civil war which took away no less than three hundred thousand people, the million dead was nothing other than an authorization to Gironella in his wonderful trilogy from the sixties. ETA was the great dissonant element before and after the Transition.

The heirs of this idiot, considered a good thinker, Krutwigwho wrote a libel Vasconia (incidentally, with B) and the brothers Echebarrieta, These days, they are coming out of prisons in droves. Some have on their backs, like Iragia criminal backpack that sowed panic and filled an entire region with blood, Seville and Malaga, Andalusia in general.

THE freedom of some of these outlaws It is true that it is published but it goes completely unnoticed, even if the victims and some others do not believe it, it takes us back to the journey of this enormous tragedy which cost the lives of 857 innocent people, to the integrity of hundreds and hundreds. of the wounded, the insoluble pain of a multitude of orphans and the memory of a multitude of people who paid the “revolutionary tax” so that the assassins would not take them in front of them. And that’s without taking into account the general fear of a Spanish society which, as I said, Pío Cabanillas Gayasdidn’t understand what this macabre party was because “we don’t know what we did to them.”

This national drama did not contain conflict, as is now claimed, the conflictof two powers in struggle: the Spanish State and a group of criminals (they called themselves after the PNV, gudaris) who, also within the framework of almost official propaganda, had to leave their village life to generously take up arms to defend themselves against a imperialist power which threatened to wipe out an entire city.

As strange as it may seem to honest Spaniards, this is what has been done since Shoemaker He joins the group. Once again, the abject narration has changed the bloody portrait of this unfortunate calamity. The worst thing is that, in addition, this kind of spokesperson with Sanchez They insult the head, they insult us, we who simply demand justice, that is to say the opposite of current customs in which we contemplate with horror how the murderer Dolores Iparraguirrepseudonym Anbotowas exonerated from any responsibility as leader of ETA in the point-blank execution of this poor Ermua advisor, Miguel Angel Blanco.

This simple memory seems to disturb, even irritate, those who bet on the general sweep of this accursed era. Iparraguirre, the National Court ruled that, now that the trial has expired, he does not accumulate any responsibility for this humanicidal brutality, and something similar will happen soon with his colleagues at the head of the organization, Renteria And Antza that in a short time they will suffer – pun intended – the same fate as this Anboto.

Justice, so much praised for having been a legal parapet against ETA, has sometimes behaved in an unintelligible manner, as for example when the judge of the National Court, the layer Pedraz decided that he could not wallpaper the aforementioned Rentería because “there was no proof that he belonged to ETA!” The ineptitude or pusillanimity, of which we can speak of anything, of the popular magistrate is astonishing.

The hundred rare members of ETA for life who are still in the comfortable Basque prisons already enjoy, in fact, and without anyone noticing, these third degrees which are a martingale that hides total freedom. Worse still: five or six days ago, the prison where he had stayed for years and years opened its doors to one of his most distinguished guests, the criminal. Jose Arreguipseudonym fitispent the last years of his life in his original home.

Fiti, the gang’s oldest prisoner, 78, was one of the trio. Artapalo in which he and another wicked man reigned, Mujica Garmendiaconfessed and unrepentant murderers. Fiti was the main actor in the massacre perpetrated at the headquarters of the Civil Guard of Zaragoza. He and Mújica were the leaders of this group of bandits during the most terrible years of their existence. They fell at Bidart and Fiti is now free. Bildu celebrates him, and the Basque PSOE, in charge of the regional prison government, is preparing to respect the same protocol with other famous prisoners, without going further with Txapoteto the direct assassin of Miguel Ángel Blanco.

Spanish society ignores these events and does not follow the heroic work of some victims who, like Portero, ensure that the historiography of ETA don’t go unnoticed. As we can see, justice does not accompany him completely and even more so the national crowd which assumes that there was no terrorism, which is now the embryo of a regrettable circumstance: his heirs are the main support of Sánchez, the liberator of the gang. I understand that it is boring to remember the enormous destruction caused by ETA in Spain, so what I said: forgive me for writing about ETA today.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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