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HomeLatest NewsFeijóo warns that Sánchez's "independence quota" in Catalonia goes "against his wall"

Feijóo warns that Sánchez’s “independence quota” in Catalonia goes “against his wall”

The economic agreement signed by the PSC and the ERC to make Salvador Illa president, with the approval of the Spanish government, even goes “against the wall” that Pedro Sánchez promised to build in his inauguration speech. Alberto Núñez Feijóo began his political journey on the back of a horse that not only rides in the territories governed by the PP, but also finds its place in the socialist strongholds: the apparent privilege granted to Catalonia for the management of its tax revenues. From the Carballeira de San Xusto, in the heart of the province of Pontevedra and in front of about two thousand supporters, the opposition leader assured that “with the separatist quota, he also governs against his own, against those who voted for him, against the true socialists”, as well as against the citizens of the communities governed by the PP.

“Sánchez wants first and second class citizens,” insisted Núñez Feijóo, who established the PP as “the refuge, defense and protection” of the Spaniards “who will pay the bill” of the President of the Government. Thus, he announced that next Friday the regional leaders of the PP, as well as the national leadership of the party, “will renew this commitment” for equality between territories. “I do not know how the PSOE will end, but it seems that, as always, with the purge of all those who cough” at Sánchez, he stressed in reference to the announcement of the advancement of the federal congress of the socialists for next November. Feijóo stressed that “we will continue to defend what the PSOE has stopped defending, equality in the face of privileges.”

The national leader of the PP found here full harmony with the Galician president, Alfonso Rueda, who in his speech said that “solidarity and equality are sacred”. “Spain is very plural and diverse and we must all defend what interests us in each territory”, but this “is compatible with what interests us all”. They will try to divide us, but they do not know us”, he noted. Not only will Galicia not admit “any type of discrimination”, but “we will be the first to guarantee that no decision is made that harms all” of the territories. “We hope that our socialist comrades will be coherent and up to the task when the time comes”, Rueda launched to García Page or Adrián Barbón.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo harshly attacked a government “that is in surplus, that is in surplus, and they know it as well as the majority of Spaniards”, and that “clings” to power “giving what does not belong to them to remain so for months more”. “Resigning and summoning are the only two verbs that those who lie systematically must conjugate”he said, “but to resign and summon, you have to have a minimum of integrity and dignity, and that remained at the doors of Moncloa from the first day of his transfer.”

Feijóo did not mention the cases of corruption that plague the presidency of the government. But he responded in a veiled manner to the noise generated in recent weeks around the awards given to the company where his sister works. “Whatever they say, I don’t care; “I intend to say loudly what I want for my nation,” he proclaimed, “I owe nothing to Sánchez, I will defend my country with all the consequences,” and he corrected “those who confuse moderation” in criticism “with submission.” “I did not leave Galicia to be an accomplice to the absurdities that we are experiencing in Spain, I will not put thirty years of public service at the service of a president who only serves himself.”

Talk to the PP about immigration

The PP president addressed the issue of immigration, demanding that Pedro Sánchez “sit down with the leading party in Spain, sit down with the EU and take this problem as an adult”, because “empty tours and shows”, nor attend “some fighters who applaud one thing and its opposite”. Sánchez “ended his tour as we told him he should start it”, by attacking “the mafias that traffic in human beings”. “Enough of demagogy and always teasing everyone”, because Illegal immigration “is a problem of the first magnitude” and the government “is generating an unprecedented crisis”.

Finally, Feijóo wondered how much “those suitcases” belonging to Delcy Rodríguez weighed at Barajas airport “or if Zapatero and the PSOE owe something to the Maduro regime” for the government not recognizing Edmundo González “as the legitimate winner of the elections in Venezuela. “He is the one who obtained the majority of the votes of his people, and I demand that the government say it, defend it and lead it in the EU and in the Ibero-American community.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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