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Rueda assures that for “every lie” from Sánchez there will be a “stronger reaction”

The popular Galicians returned this year to the Carballeira de San Xusto, in Cerdedo-Cotobade (Pontevedra) to celebrate the traditional ceremony of the beginning of the political year. A political journey that they face with “enthusiasm”, the first since the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, obtained the absolute majority on February 18, but also with ambition, ready to face a central government that places Galicia as its “last” priority, and that seeks to break the “equality” that defines our State. under the “worst president in history”“liar by system”.

More than 2,000 people attended the event and, in addition to the president of the national PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, he was also accompanied by the honorary president of the party, Mariano Rajoy; as well as the regional presidents Alfonso Fernández Mañueco and Carlos Mazón; the national secretaries, Cuca Gamarra, and the regional secretaries, Paula Prado, and the popular spokesperson in Congress, Miguel Tellado. All were greeted with applause upon their arrival at the venue and, a few minutes after midday, Rueda took the floor. He referred to that “sullen” minority to whom “nothing ever seems right”, to whom he assured that he and his party would continue working for the Community in the face of a central government that “is not interested in Galicia”. Proof of this is that to date, Pedro Sánchez has not yet seen fit to meet with “the president of all Galicians”, supported by the “absolute majority”, but he has done so with the president of the Generalitat, the previous and the current one, and the Lendakari: “we are still waiting”, he said, “but we already know that For the central government, the first is Sánchez, the second is Sánchez, the third is Sánchez and the last is Galicia.

“We do not have to put up with a minister who tweets and knows nothing” and who, despite the patience and understanding shown by the Community, “now has the nerve to say that Galicia has nothing to complain about and that the trains are working better than ever, because that is a lie,” he said, clearly referring to Óscar Puente. “Nor to this so-called Galician minister, who talks about investments that could create jobs that she is radically opposed to without knowing what they are about,” said Yolanda Díaz. Therefore, Between ideology and work, “in Galicia we will choose work”he assured; “between dogmas and economic growth”, he will choose the latter; But between “environment and industrial development”, there is no need to choose because “the two things are compatible”. “We guarantee all this, that we do not have to choose because the others are not made to choose.”

“And I say this in front of my colleagues and in front of my national president, who knows it very well because he held my position for many years: Galicia will not give up anything that belongs to it“, will not allow that, to benefit some, others are harmed, starting with us”, declared the head of the Xunta, who promised that the Community would be “the first to guarantee that no decision is taken that harms the whole” and “saying that what is good for Galicia is good for Castilla y León and the Valencian Community, and that what is good for them is good for us”. Against inequalities, against this “banquet” that some want to offer at the expense of the other Autonomous Communities, “Galicia rebels”.

“We are the ones who will defend Galicia and its people,” but also Spain, he said, “because I repeat it and as many times as necessary: ​​based on our identity, we are proudly part of our country. And it must now be repeated many times, that what belongs to each will be shared among all,” he assured. “I will continue to preside over a government that makes sense, a government that has its word, to which it gives more and more value in the face of the liars of the system, the liars of the great system. Galicia is not lied to and, from now on, every lie will have to be answered with a stronger reaction.“.

It was, in short, a speech with a clear idea: “If Galicia votes, if there is democracy, Rueda goes and Feijóo goes. There was democracy, there would be more missing, Galicia voted,” he recalled and, ironically, he wanted to thank Pedro Sánchez for “helping them achieve this great result” that gave him his first absolute, showing that “he does not appreciate what we are.” Regarding his government, he denounced “that there are no initiatives, no investments, not a single position of responsibility”: “I am sorry to say it, but we must work so that this is not the case.” Meanwhile, Galicia will continue “to be the community that most supports families”, “we will continue to be the first community where those who make an effort, from kindergarten to obtaining a university degree, will be able to study for free, because everyone, we Galicians, are going to make that effort from this year”; and “we will continue to bet on first-rate health care.” He will continue to comply, “just as” as “these first 100 days”, with the “concrete objectives” achieved: housing in progress, free university studies, significant reinforcements in health and education, and in everything to which they have “committed themselves”. “There they are, all fulfilled.” “This should be normal, and those who do not see things this way, those who believe that everything is just political chatter and clashes between communities, who should cooperate, should not count on us.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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