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HomeLatest NewsLiars, charlatans and hair growth sellers: where are the swamps of lies

Liars, charlatans and hair growth sellers: where are the swamps of lies

Sides of the same coin to hide the truth

Why it is important to know how to insult in a second language

Pinocchio’s nose grew bigger when he lied. Would it diminish him if he told the truth?

No one believed Peter, the shepherd, when the wolf actually attacked his flock. There had been many lies before.

An entire city cheered in the streets for the non-existent costume of an emperor who walked around naked. Only one child dared to say that he hadn’t seen any costumes.

In the mouth of this child, the truth is presented to us as an ethical value that we must defend as a society; However, in the mouth of Snow White’s stepmother’s magic mirror, the inability to lie becomes an unforgiving death sentence for a defenseless princess.

Lies and truths in our traditional stories. Lies and truths in our daily reality too. And vast areas of marshy land.

Although tell a lieI can don’t be a liar. When I keep silent a truthI don’t have to do it to be a fake. Yeah change of mindmaybe not liejust I correct. If I change your words when I say them to another and in doing so give them another meaning, will I be alone? make a false statementthat the handling It would be even worse.

He liar is the one who liebut especially if he does it out of habit. The liar repeats, repeats and repeats the lies. Because a lie is always expression contrary to what is known, what is thought or what is felt. We cannot lie by omission; The lie is always explicit, express, manifest.

A liar can also be a fakenot so much because he lies but because he doesn’t really say what he thinks or feels. False people omit their opinion; Liars say the opposite of what they think. This is why it is easier to prove that a person is lying than to prove that they are acting falsely. Being silent sometimes out of prudence does not make us false people; to silence something out of respect either. On the other hand, I am an imposter if I often keep quiet and hide from others for my own benefit.

Other times we talk non-stop. A charlatan He’s that person who talks a lot and has no substance. The charlatan can tire us, he can bore us, he can disturb us, but, in himself, he is harmless. However, when someone uses such words to deceive others, then he becomes a tricksterbecause he deceives by taking advantage of the inexperience or candor of the deceived; because it takes advantage of the listener’s vulnerability; because he abuses others by deception. Whether his crime is more or less serious depends on whether the deceiver is a simple fairground charlatanA hair growth seller in the far west or in a white collar scammer in the world of finance.

And one liar? Liars are those who lie; and it is not insignificant that it is a lie a lie disguised as artificethat he who uses it will disguise it for a reason, I say… That is why all liars are storytellersbut not the other way around. From the mouth of a storyteller we can hear tanglesthose deceptions or lies which cause unrest, dissension and litigation, and which are said to cause unrest in a social group (toxic peoplewe say today). From a storyteller we can also expect to hear a lot gossipthose news or comments that, whether true or false, we use to upset some people with others or to create states of opinion (Oh, Radio Macuto what damage this sometimes does in the work environment!). And from a storyteller we can, in short, expect lies (and here we start again!). The important thing, in all cases, is the goal with which tangles, gossip And lies are used.

And the fact is that deep down, what is underlying is always the intention that moves us when we speak or when we remain silent. When we want to make something false believe that it is true, it is in our intentionality that the ethical value of this lie lies. When, before sinking the Titanicsome husbands they cheated to their wives to convince them to get into the lifeboats themselves, they knew well that they would never see each other again. And, without reaching this level of drama and solemnity, the little liesTHE white lies or the white liesnot to mention the uses of the verb cheat in situations as banal as that of cheat with chocolate the bitter taste of medicine. On the other hand, however, the speaker may want to deceive the other because he wants to seduce him with lies, he wants to captivate his mind and take over his will. The Bible says that Satan tried three times seduce to Jesus in the desert promising him riches, honors and glory. And every day we live attentive to the danger of being fooled, dazzled either coaxed by unscrupulous people.

Lies, truths and contradictions, lots of contradictions. Even if what we analyze are just words.

The words can be FAKEeither because they are contrary to the truth (“I do not have the last name Maldonado”), or because they are feigned and disguised (“I was not embarrassed by what you told me said about my ugliness, no…”). They will also just be words fallacious if they want to deceive.

Contradict yourself East say the opposite of what has already been said (regardless of the speaker’s intention). Rectify East to modify a notice set out above; Also give up either retract. Instead, a person of his word is a person who keeps its promises; You trust her because she has already demonstrated that she is true to what she says and does not deceive with her actions or words. is a person reliable, trustworthy (trustworthy). His attitude is generally associated with honesty (even if honesty is no longer based on what this person says, but on their righteousness and integrity when they act).

Lies and truths. And vast areas of marshy land. Furthermore, if we enter the domain of fiction. Three sides of the same coin. Three faces, yes, like three were the little pigs of history, three were also the wise men of the East, and three are the deities that make up a trinity in the different religions. And does the fact that coins in this world we live in only have two sides make the previous statement a lie?, an error?, a stylistic device? Can’t we imagine a world in which cash materialized in three-sided polyhedral figures?

Would Pinocchio’s nose have grown if he had said “My nose will grow now”?

Did the little shepherd lie again? What happened to the boy who said the emperor was naked? Was the mother-in-law mirror remorseful? Lies and truths. Fiction and reality. And always, in the background, the intention of the speaker.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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