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“The government’s pact with Bildu is not only a mistake, it is called a moral failure”

The former president of the government Jose Maria Aznar This Saturday he accused the President of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, of having accepted the reduction of the Citizen Security Law. “with a gang of murderers”he said in reference to Bildu, the group heir to the political branch of ETA. “This is not a political error, This is called the moral trap.he denounced at the opening of the 2nd Madrid Youth Academy organized by New Generations of the PP.

The former president of the PP criticized the fact that the coalition executive “puts back the future” of Spain “to those who want to destroy” the Nation and warned that the reform of the citizen security law agreed by the PSOE with pro-ETA members “does not consist of discussing whether or not the police can use rubber bullets.”

“We cannot agree on the safety of citizens with a gang of assassins. There are very serious political errors, but agree budgets for terrorist prisoners“No, look, how far are we going to go?” he said, accusing Sánchez of “bringing the terrorists prisoner, condemned and bloodstained” so that the budgets support him and stay in power.

Aznar also criticized the fact that the socialists also make agreements for the same purpose with the “Catalan coups”, with the “fugitives from justice” and with “those who want to destroy the country”. “They deconstruct the country, deconstitutionalize the country, destroy the fruits of the Transition. “They want to tear the Spanish nation apart,” he stressed.

The president of the FAES foundation also said that in Spain the two-party system must have the capacity not only to reach agreements but also to “disagreements” and said that in the face of a very polarized society, in Spain “it It’s not that we’ve lost the capacity.” agree, do “We have forgotten how to disagree.”he clarified. “Sometimes, if we don’t have an interlocutor, we must try to make them exist”underlined Aznar, as collected Eph.

For his part, the general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alphonse Serranowho also spoke, asked the young people of this Academy not to be afraid when speaking, “even if the left points the finger at you or stigmatizes you”he told them.

“When I was at Nuevas Generaciones, we had leaders and presidents like Aznar, who made, I suppose, one of the most difficult decisions of his life, that of not giving in to state blackmail. for the life of Miguel Ángel Blanco. Today, those of you who are part of the New Generations have a president of the government who, by remaining in La Moncloa, accepts any blackmail,” Serrano replied after Sánchez’s agreement with Bildu to reform the law on citizen security to the taste of pro-ETA members.

Serrano, Fanjul, Aznar and Dancausa. (Photo: PP)

“There are those who face threats to the rule of law and fight them to defend freedom and democracy. And there are those who bring the rule of law to its knees stay in power”, declared the number two of the Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

“We have had 46 years of democracy during which there have been different governments, with successes and mistakes. What no generation before you has faced in these 45 years is the obvious risk of a loss of democratic quality, Not to mention a government’s interest in undermining the fundamental principles of our rule of law,” Serrano said.

“Neither González nor Zapatero, with all their errors, even if some sludge comes from this dust, have been capable of crossing so many lines, breaking so much consensusand so many concessions for the simple fact of remaining in power. And all this so that the other does not govern,” he stressed.


For his part, the deputy secretary of the PP for the Economy, Juan Bravodescribed this Saturday as “surprising” that “the social-communist government is discussing the law on citizen security with Bildu and does not find reasons to speak with regional presidents on regional financing for health, education and social policies.

In statements to the Seville media, Bravo regretted that this week the Sánchez government “negotiated with Bildu on release of ETA assassin Luis Portero and the law on citizen security, which unprotects the forces and state security organs, to obtain support”, for example, in the face of “the law on media censorship”, he underlined.

“We need a president of government who governs and directs, who do not attack judges and do not devote yourself to building walls between the Spaniards”, added Bravo, affirming here the alternative that the PP represents in the face of the Sánchez Executive with proposals such as an economic plan, an institutional regeneration plan which has made it possible to reach an agreement within of the CGPJ, an energy plan, the ELA law, the conciliation lawthe agreement of the PP communities for there to be a single EBAU or the Housing Plan announced this week.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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