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HomeLatest NewsPuente Genil opens its barracks and Holy Week in front of a...

Puente Genil opens its barracks and Holy Week in front of a crowd of visitors and brothers

The Mananta pontana, that is to say the Holy Week, and the world fraternity have become a real tourist attraction in Genil Bridgeafter the city recorded an absolutely full hotel occupancy rate during this weekend, on the occasion of the celebration of a new edition of the Open Days by the Group of Brotherhoods, Brotherhoods and Biblical characters of the municipality.

This year, with an innovative format, the program aims to show the visitor a 360° view of Holy Week in Puente Genil, through an ambitious program, loaded with multiple activities, under the motto “Mananta: Tradition and Splendor.

It was inaugurated on Friday October 4 in the Cloister of the Frailes Historical Complex, with the opening of an exhibition which presents the latest developments and firsts presented this year by brotherhoods and local corporations, where “each image is a testimony of faith», according to the president of the Group, Antonio Maíz.

Likewise, and in addition to the traditional opening of the barracks doors, the days welcome samples of brother craftsconferences and a complete musical program that ranges from ancient saeta meetings, the most popular songs and music of La Mananta, to parades and processional march concerts.

Above, exhibition of firsts and crafts. Below, on the right, concert of the group Las Cigarreras
Rocio Diaz

In this particular program we note the presence of two Sevillian groups of great prestige throughout Andalusia: the cornet and drum group Nuestra Señora de la Victoria, known as Cigarettesand the music group Maestro Tejera.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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