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Espadas avoids talking about the Catalan quota and urges Moreno Bonilla to ask for more powers, like the Generalitat

Juan Espadas, secretary general of the PSOE-Atook advantage of his intervention in the Andalusian interparliamentary meeting held this Saturday in Seville to attack the management of Juanma Moreno at the head of the autonomous government, saying that he is lying when he claims that the regional economy is doing better, at the same time, he assured that the recent changes in his government were due to poor management of health or education, among others. Likewise, he defended the single agreement with the Generalitat and asked Moreno Bonilla not to ask for more funding if he does not want more powers, urging him to exhaust self-government, as Catalonia has done.

According to him, “Moreno Bonilla has transformed the confrontation into a balm to mask his lack of management. It is the perfect alibi to avoid any responsibility. It is not that Pedro Sánchez does not mistreat Andalusia, but that he is the best ally of our land. In 2024, Andalusia will receive the maximum from the regional financing system, with 27.910 million, and it will be a record again in 2025 with 28.540 million. In the last seven years, Andalusia will have benefited from 46.7% more financing, that is, 53.81 billion more, or 7.7 billion more each year.

He insisted that “the finalist budget was multiplied to finance the powers of the Junta de Andalucía. That is to say, with the same “unfair” financing model for Andalusia, Rajoy crushed this land and its public services in the last socialist government and Sánchez broke the transfer record. Regarding Moreno Bonilla’s criticism of Pedro Sánchez’s policy, Espadas said that ““The PP continues the confrontation to overthrow the government and organize elections as soon as possible.”

“When we hear about theft and betrayal, sometimes we jump headlong into the PP’s lying story. Let’s not let ourselves be used. Either we’re in it or we’re not, there’s no shortage of arguments,” said the PSOE-A secretary general at the interparliamentary meeting, where he stressed that “the equality and solidarity of this government with Andalusia is measured in euros per capita.” Starting with recognizing all of us. “They still missed the PP.”

He recalled the proposals that the PSOE made to the PP to advance the financing model. “Pedro Sánchez offered it to Feijóo. I proposed it to Moreno Bonilla to advance the autonomous government of Andalusia and the financing proposal with which the region should fight with the Spanish government. And the PP voted no,” he denounced this Saturday in Seville Espadas.


“I have just spoken again with Moreno Bonilla, whom we are meeting, that he specifies the proposal as President of the Andalusian Government that he wants to bring to the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy. He has not done so and he will not do so. He is not in a position to defend before Feijóo the proposal for the Andalusian agreement of 2018 because he is not able to assert his fiscal irresponsibility due to the “dumping” that he has been practicing since the first year of his legislature and because he knows that it does not coincide with that of Feijóo, which is that of Rueda, and that it is not that of Ayuso either. “He is more comfortable confronting and fighting Sánchez than defending the interests of Andalusia,” he added.

“I am not only concerned about the effects of the position of the Generalitat of Catalonia in this financing model. I am concerned about the position of Moreno Bonilla, who does not defend the parliamentary agreement of 2018 and is not capable of doing so in public or within his party. Why is he hiding in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council to ask the Minister of Finance for a proposal and then reject it?

Locked funding model

As for theat the inauguration of Salvador Illa as President of Catalonia, said that “this ends many years of pro-independence government, and it begins by talking about concepts such as singular financing and inter-territorial solidarity.” “This opens a new scenario, a debate on a financing model that has been blocked for a long time, among other things because of the strategy of confrontation.”

Leaving aside the controversy over the Catalan quota, Espadas said that “Andalusia must aspire to the same levels of self-government as Catalonia, that is, our Statute of Autonomy. That is why our 28-F. Does the PP want to exhaust Andalusia’s autonomous capacities? Months ago, I voted against exhausting our model of self-government, as Catalonia does with certain powers, for example, commuter trains. Moreno Bonilla said no to more competitions.

“Autonomy and powers are equivalent to more or less funding. Moreno Bonilla wants more funding but fewer powers. The 28-F should have autonomy, self-management and fiscal co-responsibility,” said the secretary general of the PSOE-A, who accused Moreno Bonilla of “doing ‘fiscal dumping’ and then addressing the State which, on the other hand, cuts and not to all, but to a few. “It is a lack of territorial solidarity.”

“We want to protect the regional financing system because we want to protect public services. Andalusia is doing badly when the economic situation is bad and the PP governs in Spain, “as happened to us with Rajoy,” announced the socialist politician, who announces that he will fight for “the financial sufficiency of public services in Andalusia”, while specifying that “if I have one thing clear, it is that it would be impossible to achieve this objective if an independentist governed Catalonia and in Madrid the PP governed. The possibility that we achieve it is if there is a socialist president in Catalonia and the president of the government continues to be Pedro Sánchez.”

“We have put our hearts and souls into defending the social justice policies that have been implemented in recent years, we have defended each of the positions, whether they are better or less well understood in our country, and we have done so with conviction. Of course, the speaker, absolutely. As he said, whatever it costs and whatever it costs me. We have very recently dug trenches to protect our leaders and their families as they have continued and are being followed and vilified in unfair and atrocious ways.he said, clearly referring to the judicial investigation opened against Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez, as well as against the socialists involved in the ERE.

A few hours before the meeting of the federal executive of the PSOE and a few days before the next regional executive of the Andalusian socialists, Juan Espadas wanted to dispel doubts about possible internal crises in the party. “Now I ask all the members of the PSOE-A that it is now Andalusia’s turn. The next Andalusian elections will be regional, in a year and a half. I want to ask that we steer the whole rudder to win, every objective comes second, I am not talking about personal objectives. Everything must be subordinated to that,” he concluded.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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