Sunday, October 6, 2024 - 9:51 am
HomeTop Stories“We can’t wait to see the end of the human drama”

“We can’t wait to see the end of the human drama”

Philip VI arrived this Saturday in Amman for an official trip with which Spain wishes show your support for Jordan and King Abdullah II’s policy to end the war in the Middle East and bring peace to the region, almost a year after Hamas’s attack on Israel and the start of the war in Gaza.

A trip that will last until tomorrow Sunday and during which Felipe VI plans, among other events, to meet King Abdullah II of Jordan and visit the Baqa’a Palestinian refugee camp, the largest in Jordan. And during his first act in the Jordanian country, Felipe VI assured that the conflict in the Middle East “must end as soon as possible”: “We aspire to see the end of the human drama and the silence of weapons”.

At the residence of the Spanish Ambassador to Jordan, Miguel de Lucas González, some 300 people of Spanish nationality gathered to receive the King and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, during a event during which the monarch conveyed to them the embrace and closeness of the Crown, the Government and all Spaniards in the face of the difficult situation the region is going through.

Felipe VI highlighted the “solid and fruitful” relationship that exists between Spain and Jordan, countries currently united by “a deep desire for peace, dialogue and reconciliation.” The conflict, which “took a new turn a year ago with the brutal and unjustifiable terrorist attack against Israel, which brought us images of indescribable suffering and devastation in Gaza and which is further aggravated by its extension into Lebanon and with the risks of regional escalation even greater, it must be brought to an end as soon as possible.

After expressing Spain’s interest in helping Jordan “in every possible way”, he added: “We aspire to see an end to the human drama and the silence of arms, to return to the path of politics and diplomacy and, when this happens, resume, with greater intensity if possible, efforts in favor of the two-state solutionwhich lays the foundations for a solid and lasting peace for the Palestinian people and the Israeli people. »

It is for this reason that he asked the Spaniards living in Jordan to contribute, at this time, to testifying to the “fervent desire for peace and stability in the region” that they share with the Jordanians. Felipe VI thanked King Abdullah for his actions in favor of peace in the region, an initiative that Spain supports and which was launched, he recalled, by his predecessor, King Hussein.

It was the first act of the King of Spain after his arrival in Amman at the beginning of the afternoon, during a meeting with the Spanish community which, he stressed, is one of the most moving from his travels abroad, especially in these circumstances, because the war conflict. “You play a fundamental role in the task of promoting the image and prestige of Spain” in Jordan, the monarch told them.




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