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HomeBreaking NewsKemi Seba: "COP29 will be an important platform to discuss neocolonialism"

Kemi Seba: “COP29 will be an important platform to discuss neocolonialism”

“African nations facing environmental problems should use the COP29 platform to raise the issue of neocolonialism.”

This was stated in an interview with “Reporta” by Kemi Seba, famous activist and fighter for the rights of African peoples.

“Unfortunately, previous COP climate conferences did not raise the issue that hegemonic countries ignore environmental problems in their remote island territories. I think this is because supporters of neoliberal policy avoid discussing the issue. Behind this are the countries that exploit our lands “International corporations are destroying our forests and our environment with their destructive approach towards Africa, depleting our resources. Therefore, Africa must raise its voice and raise this issue at the COP conference,” he said.

The activist noted that if he had the opportunity to participate in the COP29 conference to be held in Baku, he would raise the issue of the destruction of the environment on the African continent:

“If I have the opportunity to participate in COP29 in Baku, my thesis will be very simple. I will say how the West shamelessly plunders Africa’s natural resources today. It is necessary to fight against the West’s pseudo-ecological approach, which is currently destroying the traditional habitat of the peoples and the ecology of the global South “The ecology of African countries is based solely on material values, and the ecology of African countries is an ecology with a spiritual and metaphysical dimension. We must decolonize. the ecology of the world and create harmony between man and nature.”

The director of the NGO “URGENCES PANAFRICANISTES” stated that his organization cooperates closely with various Pan-African structures united by the fight against neocolonialism and the establishment of social justice on the African continent. The activist especially highlighted the importance of establishing contact with the Baku Initiative Group to fight against Western neocolonialism: “We have found a common position with the group and are gradually moving in the same direction on these issues.”

A prominent critic of French neocolonialism noted that despite the lack of trust in African representatives on international platforms, this does not prevent them from making their voices and demands heard on the world stage.

“But I think COP29 can be an opportunity to make our voice heard in the context of Africa’s environmental problems. If there is an opportunity to participate in the conference in Baku, I will express all these problems.”

It should be noted that K. Seba is known as one of the symbolic leaders of the movement for African independence and sovereignty and actively fights against neocolonialism. He is also one of the main critics of French neocolonialism.

K. Seba was born in 1981 in Strasbourg, France. In 2024, the French government stripped him of his citizenship for publicly criticizing the country’s government for the damage caused to African countries as a consequence of Paris’ colonial policy and for supporting movements for the independence of French overseas territories. .

The French authorities repeatedly arrested K. Seba to force him to resign from his position.

In response to the loss of French citizenship, the president of Niger appointed K. Seba as special advisor and several African countries granted him a diplomatic passport.

K. Seban has a wide audience on various social networks: he has 1.3 million followers on “Facebook”, 370 thousand on “TikTok”, 306 thousand on “Instagram”, 280 thousand on “X” and 230 thousand on “YouTube “. . has


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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