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From the next selectivity, up to two points may be deducted for spelling errors.

Write and write again. This is the description of any student faced with selectivity, but now they will have to be more careful than ever. Students with spelling errors can lose up to two points on an exam.

A measure taken because we write worse and worse. “Students come to us with grammatical deficiencies”» says Daniel Cebolla, coordinator of the “Mundo Estudiante” literature department.

The most common errors indicate that they are accent marks, separator periods and commas and basically accentuation errors. SO, here You have a questionnaire to find out if you are one of those who commit this type of spelling mistakes.

And in the street, they say it clearly. Accents are a headache for most students. Some flaws that cannot be fixed due to the way people write on their cell phones.

If we add less to this reading, the threat of suspense grows.




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