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I’m a psychologist and this is what it means when a person looks to the right when speaking.

psychology explains why a person looks to the right when he speaks, being an element that can end up being the one that makes an important difference in every way. The look says a lot about a person, it can indicate the path that we want to highlight, being one of the elements that can end up being what makes the difference in every way. That is why we have looked for a series of details that will mark a before and after.

Meeting a person for the first time or detecting abnormal behavior, in the end the look and those eyes that say they are the mirror of the soul, can end up being what accompanies us in our days. The time will come to start thinking about everything that awaits us, about that special date or simply about that look that seems to have connected with us. Psychology explains to us the reason why we look one way or the other or are looked at in that certain way. It has a very clear explanation that will surprise you.

Psychology explains it

Science is able to provide an explanation which may end up making a difference in a few days when we have to start getting ready. The time will come to think about the looks that say a lot about a person and which should be taken into account.

We must look into the person’s eyes to awaken that trust that we want to achieve. A look that may end up being the one that accompanies us in these days that await us. Without a doubt, the eyes end up giving a feeling of security that no other part of the body has.

This direct look brings a series of feelings that do not go in the same direction as the way in which it is carried. Looking sideways has a meaning, the shame of seeing that person, the lack of security. They end up having more than one meaning that perhaps we do not expect.

There is a psychologist who is in charge of providing us with this data that will end up being what will mark this new stage. September is a month of beginnings, we can meet several people and that means that we will have to start generating some details in all directions.

A person who looks right for this reason

Experts know very well why some people look sideways when talking to a person. Being an element that can end up being what makes the difference. Being aware of what this situation means can end up affecting us completely.

Knowing a person or simply detecting abnormal behavior is something that must have unexpected consequences that can end up making a significant difference in all respects. We will have to look a little further, body language can give us some information.

Raquel Martín’s blog gives us a scientific explanation of this fact. Continuing with this explanation: “In NLP – Neurolinguistic Programming -, this language of the the eyes are called ocular access keys. This is one of the great discoveries of Bandler and Grinder.

They found that different eye patterns or movements indicate particular types of thinking. The eye is connected to the brain by a nerve and accesses different departments of the brain as needed. Therefore, depending on the type of eye movement, the person can use different senses and brain hemispheres to process information.

  • Normally, when the person looks at the top right, he builds an image. It is the channel of dreams, projects and creativity. On the other hand, if you want to remember an image that exists in him, he will look towards the upper left corner.
  • When we remember sounds, we look to the left, while when we construct them, we look to the right. We even tilt our heads slightly, as if we were talking on the phone. This is the chain of composers and musicians.
  • There are times when we connect with our feelings. Then our eyes move down to the right. Therefore, when a person is sad, anxious or scared, they tend to look down. If we decide to start looking for solutions, asking questions about a situation and drawing conclusions, our eyes will move down and to the left.

This look can therefore indicate something more positive than we imagine, it means that the person is thinking about a new project, perhaps with the person in front of us, which is why we have to deal with a series of details these days.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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