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HomeLatest NewsThe city in Asturias where the vast majority of the world's aspirin...

The city in Asturias where the vast majority of the world’s aspirin pills are manufactured

In everyday life, medications play a crucial role in helping us overcome various diseases and illnesses. Among the most common and useful are ibuprofen, paracetamol and of course, the Aspirin. The latter, scientifically known as acetylsalicylic acidis a drug that has accompanied humanity for more than a century and has become one of the most consumed drugs in the world. However, what few people know is that a good part of the world production of this medicine takes place in a small corner of Spain: Langreoa city in the heart of Asturias. In this place, more precisely in the municipality of The Felguerais one of the most important factories in Bayerresponsible for the 100% production of acetylsalicylic acid used in all Aspirins distributed by the German multinational worldwide.

The history of medicine

The evolution of acetylsalicylic acid, from its beginnings in ancient times to becoming the famous Aspirin that we know today, has been a long process full of scientific advances. It was in 1897 when the German chemist Felix Hoffmannworking for the Bayer company, managed to synthesize this compound with improved purity and tolerance, following the formulas developed by Charles von Gerhardt and other scientists who preceded him. Two years later, Bayer registered the trademark “Aspirin,” a name that comes from “A” for the acetyl group, “spir” for the plant “Spiraea ulmaria,” from which salicylic acid is extracted, and “-in,” a common ending used in medicines at the time.

The Asturian plant

The history of this Asturian plant dates back to the years of the Franco dictatorshipThe company was founded in 1942. Proquest (Synthetic Chemical Products) in La Felguera. This plant was strategically located near the Asturian mining basins, taking advantage of the existing industrial infrastructure and the skilled workforce available in the area. Initially, Proquisa was dedicated to the production of essential chemicals for the industry. However, in 1958, after the German-Spanish agreement, the plant began to specialize in the production of acetylsalicylic acid.

In 1969, Bayer acquired the La Felguera plant and began a process of modernization and expansion that made it a production center key within its global network. During the 1980s, the plant established itself as the Bayer’s leading aspirin makerproducing millions of pills a day to supply international markets.

Today, the La Felguera plant is not only a benchmark in the production of aspirin, but also stands out for its commitment to sustainability and the innovation. Bayer has implemented advanced technologies to minimize the environmental impact of its operations and the plant has received numerous awards for its production excellence and environmental sustainability.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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