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without stressed areas, with tax assistance and open to declaring a “housing emergency”

The Andalusian government remains determined “not to intervene in the real estate market”, that is, it will not apply the possibility offered by the National Housing Law to declare stressed areas and to cap prices . Its formula consists of circumventing this norm as much as its skills allow and betting on its own, the first regional one approved since the national one was in force and which it presents as the effective solution to the sector’s problems. All this, complemented by new tax aid and with the door even open to taking into account the request of developers to declare a “housing emergency” in Andalusia, to activate measures as if it were a crisis health or drought.

The executive of Juan Manuel Moreno (PP) insists that he is not a rebel and that he respects state law, but that he reserves the possibility of respecting or not the measures that fall under of the exclusive power of each autonomy, as effectively established by the norm. Its recipe is simple, and it is in fact shared by all the communities governed by the PP: it must be repealed because it is “failed and unsustainable” and because it “aggravates” the problems.

Result? “Prices have increased, legal uncertainty has increased and cases of illegal occupation have also increased. ” Furthermore, it is emphasized that, apart from the fact that “Andalusia is not going to apply stressed areas”, ultimately it is the municipalities that ask the autonomous community to declare it and, to date, , “no town hall has asked for this issue. From then on, we no longer had to say yes or no to stressed areas.

These statements were made in an interview on RNE by the Andalusian Minister of Development, Territorial Articulation and Housing, Rocío Díaz, who clings to the law on independent housing as a solution to this panorama, exposed to the public until ‘to October 1 and to which 35 allegations were presented. The rule, whose approval is expected in the first half of 2025, is summarized by Díaz herself in that “its main objective is to bring more affordable housing to the market, which is the only possible way to alleviate and resolve current problems. The commitment is also to accelerate urban development and put more land on the market to build affordable apartments.

“It doesn’t look bad.”

In this context, the Andalusian Government does not take a dim view of the proposal made by Fadeco, the Andalusian Federation of Real Estate Developers, to declare the situation of “housing emergency” in order to “assimilate” the construction of housing to the procedure. that it is used for other crisis situations, such as health crises or those caused by drought. This was presented as an allegation to the Andalusian bill, and if in Development they say that they will study the legal relevance of the proposal, the spokesperson for the Council, Carolina España, went further and emphasized that the idea “it doesn’t look bad” and “it doesn’t look bad” in an interview on the program The Alameda of 101 Malaga.

And what does that translate into? Well, by simplifying urban development timelines and implementing slightly less than an urban equivalent of the Business Project Accelerator Unit to shorten timelines. Promoters want administrative simplification, “flexibility” and measures in favor of housing. The future standard, in their opinion, “goes in the right direction”, but they demand a greater “spending effort” on the part of administrations in terms of housing and land.

While waiting to see if this will finally be reflected – and how – in the future law, Carolina España herself, also Minister of Economy and Finance, gave this Saturday more details on the new tax assistance for housing announced by Moreno a few days ago. The deduction for the purchase of a main residence, for example, will increase from 5 to 6% next year, while the 15% reduction in rental charges (a measure intended primarily for young people and those over 65) will have a new limit of 900 euros compared to the current 600.

New batch of the Young Rental Bonus

In total, the Andalusian Executive estimates that up to 40,000 young people will benefit from these measures, while the line of mortgage guarantees for the acquisition of the first residence will be maintained. It should be added to this that Andalusia will receive from the central government a new transfer of 34.2 million euros for the Young Rental Bonus, which will open an appeal which should be less chaotic than the first. For this, 68 million arrived, but the blocking of processing resulted in complaints from those concerned and an investigation by the Audit Chamber.

The confirmation of this additional investment was concluded during the recent Housing Sector Conference, in which Andalusia demanded greater flexibility with the Next Generation European funds in housing, with the idea of ​​distributing them according to the lines that worked and have already worked. no longer has credit. Another Andalusian demand focused on the future National Housing Plan, demanding that – in promoting construction and rehabilitation – not only energy efficiency but also other issues such as conservation, accessibility and improvement of vulnerable neighborhoods.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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