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The PP will veto in the Senate the “indecent” reform of a law for the benefit and release of dozens of ETA members

After the government will sneak in Congress a reform that will benefit and free dozens of ETA prisoners – among them Txapote-, via amendments to a law which has nothing to do with it, the People’s Party will do “everything possible” to prevent its entry into force. But it is very difficult for him, because right of veto who has the absolute majority that the popular in the Senate, can be raised, again, in the Lower House.

This was confirmed by the Deputy Secretary of Mobilization and Digital Challenge, Noelia Núñez, who described the maneuver of Pedro Sánchez’s government as a “hoax”. According to the leader of the PP, “all legal, political and parliamentary tools will be studied to prevent this from being consumed.”

The truth is it’s the same PP deputies voted for of this reform of organic law 7/2014, on the exchange of information on criminal records and the examination of criminal resolutions in the European Union. And they did twice: first to the Justice Commission of the Congress, where the PSOE colo the aforementioned amendment by a complementary provision, then, in plenary session.

The other groups did so as well, as the rule was unanimously adopted by the commission and only Vox abstained.

This is a transposition of European regulations, which will benefit, among others, prisoners such as Txapote. The murderer of Miguel Ángel Blanco will have his sentence reduced by six years, allowing him to be released from prison in a few months. His sentence ended in 2031. 43 other prisoners could also benefit.

“They deceived us”

The party executive Alberto Nuñez Feijóo Now consider what options are available to you. The legal reform was in reality only the simple transposition of a European directive, for which the PP focused its criticism on the fact that it had “arrived late”.

But this fact occurs a few days later PSOE pact with Bildu to reform the law on citizen security. An agreement known only 24 hours after the grant third degree to two ETA prisoners for very serious blood crimes by the socialist Minister of Justice of the Basque Government.

“We find it extremely serious and worrying to confirm that, indeed, The government has misled this Assemblyto all parliamentary groups, for the benefit of their Bildu partners”, underlined Núñez, who also spoke of “indignation” and “indecency”.

The AVT opinion

For his part, the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) has already demanded that the PP use its majority in the Senate to cancel, this Tuesday, the modification of the standard. According to AVT calculations, Up to 44 ETA members will be able to deduct the sentence they served in France and up to seven ETA members could be released immediately in the coming months.

Nobody really noticed that this modification of the organic law also affected the members of the ETA?” asked the AVT in a press release in reaction to the treatment of this norm.

“We want to think it was a mistake and they will rectify it this Tuesday in the Senate, but even if that is the case, we know it will just be a patch. Sooner or later, Bilduetar’s roadmap to empty prisons will be respectedand MM. Sánchez and Marlaska will be able to boast all their lives of being cult figures of ETA members,” says the AVT.




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