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The Tudanquistas attack Cerdán

War on the PSOE of Castilla y León with Ferraz. The general secretary of the PSOE in this community, Luis Tudanca, not too close to Pedro Sánchez, tried to advance in the regional congress to secure his position, but of Ferraz they arrested him dead. A decision that put the cards on the table. Those close to Tudanca talk about dirty games, armchairs and low salaries. Meanwhile, from the national leadership of the socialists, they defend that they are only respecting the statutes.

‘Acatar’ is the verb that repeats the sanchista line. “All the activism of this party is governed by statutes and regulations which are the same for everyone and which we must respect,” declared Esther Peña, the socialist spokesperson.

Also secretary general of the PSOE of Andalusia and spokesperson for the socialist group in the Senate, Juan Espadasused this “respect” today. Espadas wanted to emphasize that “we have turned the page and nothing more”, based on the principle, as he emphasized in an interview with Antena 3, that the Federal Commission of Ethics and Guarantees is “the body who interprets the Statutes when there is a situation in which one organ of the party or another can understand it differently and we, all of us, Luis Tudanca first, as he said in his letter, respect and adhere to the decision” of the Guarantees Commission, a body ” which is respected by the entire organization.

But discordant voices continue to blur the lines. He Mayor of León, José Antonio Díezdirectly accused his party’s organizing secretary, Santos Cerdán, this morning of having “played dirty” against Tudanca, with the aim of replacing him. And he questioned whether someone who had made “so many mistakes” should remain “number three”.

Díez was energetic in Onda Cero’s “Más de uno”, accusing Cerdán, emphasizing that it is a way of “playing dirty” through a “twisted” interpretation of the statutes. In this sense, he emphasizes that during the previous Congress, held in 2021, Tudanca was also elected to the meeting while now he is not allowed there, despite the fact that the statutes are “exactly the same”. And he even went so far as to indicate that Cerdán had tried to exclude him from running for mayor by allowing “significant irregularities in the census.”

Harsh statements to which the Minister of Equality and Secretary General of the PSOE of Valladolid, Ana Redondoinsisted that the statutes must be respected.

The party’s statutes emphasize that the regional congresses must take place within three months after the federal congress (which will take place in Seville between November 29 and December 1), the reason given by Ferraz for the suspension of the primary elections. he considers them part of the congressional process.

Thus, Redondo emphasized that “the party has its rules” and these “must be respected”: “What is reasonable is that the federal congress is held first and therefore the directions are resolved, from there the autonomous congresses leave. provincial and local”. “The congresses cascade, it is reasonable, we must accept the statutes and the rules of the game normally,” insisted the minister.

And I also remembered that Pedro Sánchez is the only candidate for the post of secretary general “And fortunately, in November there will be a congress of optimism, because there is no contradiction and there is practically no conflict.”




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