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HomeLatest NewsLuz Arcas and Lorena Nogal, National Dance Awards 2024

Luz Arcas and Lorena Nogal, National Dance Awards 2024

Lorena Nogal, in the Performance category, and Luz Arcas, in the Creation category, won the 2024 National Dance Awards. The jury rewarded the former for her “undeniable technical mastery and her capacity for expression, which make her the one of the most successful performers. influence and cultural impact on the national and international dance scene.

“He has embodied the choreographic language of the La Veronel company since its beginnings, giving shape to his own recognizable identity, as seen recently in creations such as Firmament, opening night either Sonoma“, added the committee about the choreographer.

Luz Arcas, for her part, was recognized for “the multifaceted outlook and the versatility of her dance, crystallized in a creative impulse that led her to conclude two surprising trilogies. Bekristen. Triptych of prosperity And “Cycle of Miracles”. For the committee, the pieces of the founder of the company La Phármaco encompass “a sum of styles in which an absolute commitment to his own language stands out. “His work combines risk and innovation with a continuous revision of his roots.”

These prizes, awarded annually by the Ministry of Culture through the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), are worth 30,000 euros each.

Lorena Nogal, from Verona to Scenic Collective HOTEL

Lorena Nogal (Barcelona, ​​1984), trained as a dancer at the Institut del Teatre de Bracelona and in the IT Dansa company. For more than fifteen years, she has been an integral part of the artistic team of Verona, alongside Marcos Morau – National Dance Prize 2013 – as a choreographic assistant and dancer. In 2018, with several fellow promoters, he launched the HOTEL Colectivo Escánico project, in which they try to build crossovers between different performing disciplines and the imagination of other artists, which led them to work with Marie Gyselbrecht (Peeping Tom), Quim Bigas and Lisi Estarás, among others.

Among his latest creations as a choreographer stands out The praise of the crack, with whom he is currently on tour with Sonoma, Pasionaria, opening night, by La Veronal And Allegories. Nogal also devotes himself to teaching and gives courses related to the KOVA method, a language of movement that he has developed with the company in recent years.

Luz Arcas, founder of La Phármaco

Luz Arcas (Málaga, 1983) graduated in choreography from the María de Ávila Conservatory and in directing from the Royal School of Dramatic Art in Madrid. She studied flamenco, trained in classical Indian dance and deepened her knowledge of contemporary dance in Brussels, Amsterdam, Croatia and Berlin alongside references such as David Zambrano, Erna Omärsdottir, Bruno Caverna, DD Dorvillier, Laura Aris and Iñaki Azpillaga , among others.

In 2009, he founded the company La Phármaco, with which he deepened his artistic conception of dance and stage. Among his creations stand out Marianne (presented at the XXII Flamenco Biennial of Seville, in co-production with Teatros del Canal and MA Scène nationale – Pays de Montbéliard), All Saints (created at the FIT in Cádiz, in co-production with the Teatro de la Abadía), A great political emotion (created at the Teatro ValleInclán, in co-production with the National Drama Center), Miserere. When night comes, they will cover themselves with it (Canal Theaters) and Kaspar Hauser. Europe’s orphan (Madrid Autumn Festival).

In 2023 it ended The good work the Bekristen trilogy: triptych of prosperity, which started in 2019 with Domestication (Teatros del Canal), which continued in 2021 We are war (created in Condé Duque). Arcas is also the author of the book I thought dancing would save me (Next You Got Me, 2022).


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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