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Marlaska consents for another year to the pro-ETA party of hatred of the Civil Guard in Alsasua

One more year, pro-ETA took to the streets of Alsasua (Navarre) in Ospa Eguna (goodbye day) to demand the departure of the Civil Guard from the Basque Country And Navarre. An event organized with the authorization of the Government of Navarre, led by the socialist Maria Chiviteand the Ministry of the Interior headed by Marlaska, despite the fact that during the demonstration that took place banners with the slogan “Police Ez» (The police no) and shouts against the state security forces and bodies. This demonstration resumes after last year the left abertzale resign from his organization.

This Saturday took place the day of harassment and humiliation directed against Alsasua in the Navarrese town of Alsasua. against all members of the Civil Guard intended for the Navarrese locality and, by extension, for those of the entire regional community. Some acts authorized and even encouraged by some local institutions. After a popular lunch organized in the city and a conference on police infiltration, the main event of the day began, scheduled for 6 p.m.

The streets of Alsasua were once again flooded with banners against the Civil Guard that read:Poliziaren normalizaziorik ez» (No to the normalization of the Police). In addition, the Batasunos who attended the demonstration of Ospa Eguna They stirred up hatred towards the Civil Guard with chants like ““The story of the kanpora” (Repressive forces, outside).

The organizers of this demonstration justified that the fight against repression remains “urgent.” For all this, and despite the fact that the slogan against the Civil Guard was “important in the Basque conflict,” the pro-ETA demand the need for another one that “highlights” the “police problem as a whole.” This demonstration has a deep symbolic meaning in a city that in 2016 was the scene of an attack against two Civil Guards and their partners that led to sentences ranging from one and a half to nine and a half years in prison for eight young people.

Attack on institutions

For the PP of Navarre, the evolution of the Ospa Eguna It is worrying. “Before, they focused their attention on the Civil Guard. “As they have already managed to expel them from the roads, now they want to expel any force or security body from the State,” the group denounces. In this sense, they consider that the event has expanded its initial objective and has become a more general attack against all institutions that represent the Spanish State.

Similarly, the PP of Navarre criticizes what they see as a radical drift in the approaches to nationalism in the region. “The radicalism of this nationalism has no limits, and it is not only the state security forces and bodies that disturb them, we all disturb them, those of us who we do not share your ideas“those of us who believe in regional and Spanish Navarre,” they say. “Just look at the list of associations invited to participate in the round tables that they organize and the history that they have,” they criticize the party.

The formation also expressed its concern about what it considers to be a lack of adequate response from the competent authorities. “The impunity with which this type of demonstration is allowed is unacceptable,” they concluded, calling on the authorities to take measures and ensure respect for human rights. Rule of law and coexistence in Navarre.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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