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HomeLatest NewsThe Debt Forgiveness Trap

The Debt Forgiveness Trap

In the type of Persian market that Pedro Sánchez has implemented in Spanish politics, it seems that anything is permitted to the government as long as itbuy a few minutes more time at the head of the blue bank.

So, with a Catalan economic agreement signed with the separatists, the government still does not specify what it will consist of and says something different every day, treating citizens like imbeciles, with bizarre explanations and lies, saying one thing and the opposite.

To divert attention, they are trying to divide the regions governed by the PP – and all of them, in general, with promises of money that they do not have – the deficit cannot be borne – nor theirs – but by all taxpayers who can no longer go any further. It is for this reason that Montero insists on the cancellation of the debt. Now he says he will make a good debt cancellation offer to Andalusia that Moreno will not be able to refuse.

The PP cannot make a mistake and give in to what amounts to blackmail: nor to the objective of stability, no additional fundsnor the cancellation of the debt. No one can accept anything, because, firstly, these are proposals that harm the economy and, secondly, it is all false, one more ploy that will fail, but even if he does not fail to comply with them, they are harmful. proposals.

The cancellation of the debt of the autonomous communities would mean a loss of credibility of the economy, of its reliability, by erecting a barrier for investors, by introducing insecurity as to who will assume the future debts contracted by Catalonia. An insecurity that is spreading and harming all Spanish public administrations, because when you doubt one, you doubt all, because of the contagion effect.

Canceling the debt, whether total or partial, is a legal and economic scandal. This is a legal outrage, because when it is carried out according to the dictates of Catalonia and, more precisely, of Catalonia, it becomes unconstitutional, since it violates article 138.2 of the Spanish Constitution, which says that The differences between the Statutes of the different Autonomous Communities cannot in any case imply economic or social privileges.. And what is this measure, if not a measure which grants privileges to a region? On the other hand, Article 157.3 of the Constitution establishes that the financial powers of the CCAA, which are listed in Article 157.1 of the Constitution, including credit operations, can be regulated by organic law.

And this is regulated in the Lofca, in article 14. Likewise, in said organic law, the eighth DA considers the possibility of deducting from the resources of the SFA the sums necessary to take care of additional financing mechanisms, such as the Fla, if they are not supported by the autonomous community.

Sánchez, instead of guaranteeing respect, blows up the project and gives them this amount. That is why they want to extend it to all autonomous communities, to save article 138.2 of the Constitution, but, even so, it will always be a privilege, because it benefits Catalonia, because in the PSOE agreement with ERC it is specified that the operation will involve the assumption of 20% of the outstanding debt of Catalonia with the AGE, in addition to the aberration of the Catalan agreement.

And it is also an economic and financial atrocity, because it sends a terrible signal as a country: which investor is going to trust an autonomous community to finance it, if it cannot be held responsible for the debt that it transmits with this system. imagined by Sánchez to obtain the votes of the independentists? This is very serious, because it weakens the credit credibility of the entire Kingdom of Spain, which will make access to markets and the cost of financing difficult both for the Treasury and for all Spanish public administrations.

And from the point of view of principles and values, the responsibility to manage well, to be efficient, not to waste, to evaluate the budget passes through the air, because it does not matter whether it is done well or badly, because the irresponsibility will be covered.

No autonomous community should ask for debt cancellation, it would be a mistake and it would whitewash Sánchez’s decision, including the Catalan quota. This is a measure that must be opposed vigorously and head-on, because it harms the entire economy and employment. You can’t fall into this obvious trap.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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