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HomeLatest NewsThe collective brand 'Nuez de Navarra' is born and joins Reyno Gourmet

The collective brand ‘Nuez de Navarra’ is born and joins Reyno Gourmet

The new collective brandNuez de Navarra’ enters Reyno Gourmet for its differentiated quality, a product which, during the campaign which has just begun, on a total of 8 farms, They will produce around 200 tonnes.

The general director of the public company INTIA, Natalia Bellostas; and the president of the Association for the Promotion of Navarra Walnuts, Emilio Gurrea Asensiowere responsible for presenting it during an event organized at the Nuevo Principal Casino.

During his speech, the Minister of Rural Development, Jose Mari Aierdiemphasized that “the launch of this collective brand and its inclusion in Reyno Gourmet represents strategic recognition for the Navarre nuts, a product linked to our land and which covers the entire Foral Community, both dry and irrigated, and which constitutes an impetus to recognize its quality, raise awareness among consumers and make it known. both inside and outside Navarra“.

For her part, the general director of INTIA, Natalia Bellostasexplained that “we are working on the development of new collective brands that protect the unique agri-food productions of Navarre. These products stand out, among other things, for their limited production, their authenticity, their seasonality and because they are very popular with consumers. »

In short, he assured that “they constitute a gastronomic and food heritage of Navarre. These brands, once developed, could belong to the Reyno Gourmet guarantee brand, a label that protects differentiated quality agri-food production in Navarre.

Finally, the president of Association for the promotion of Navarre walnutsEmilio Gurrea wanted to recall the link between this product and the Foral Community: “I would like to thank the Department and INTIA for supporting us throughout this process. The creation of this brand is very important because it was necessary to be able to identify the nuts from the producers because they are a high quality Navarre walnut. Now all of this can be passed on to the end consumer.

Main characteristics of Nuez de Navarra

The territorial scope of ‘Navarra Walnut’ It covers the entire Foral Community, both for dry and irrigated crops, and is open to all Navarra walnut producers.

These are nuts harvested at their optimal state of maturity and quickly packaged to preserve all their taste and nutritional qualities. Packaging It is also carried out by farmers in their facilities.. In other words, producers control the entire process, from farm to point of sale. This know-how is reflected in the product and is identified on the market by the “Nuez de Navarra” logo.

In order to be marketed as ‘Navarra Walnut’ They must meet a series of requirements and must be controlled and certified by an external body.

Thus, it must be produced and packaged in Navarre by the same producers; with varieties adapted to the territory; The harvest is carried out at its optimal moment of maturity, when the central partition acquires a brown color; for debarking or cleaning the ruezno, chemicals cannot be usedonly water; Drying starts no later than 48 hours after cleaning; It must be larger than 28 millimeters in diameter; It must be harvested during the last harvest and can never consist of nuts from previous seasons, to guarantee their freshness and organoleptic quality; and its control certifies a minimum percentage of nuts that do not comply with what is required (less than 10%).

Production close to 200 tonnes

Navarre approximately 307 hectares of walnut treesaccording to 2023 agricultural statistics, between self-consumption and professionals, with total production estimated at 424 tonnes.

In these moments, The new brand includes eight irrigated farmers from Tierra Estella, Zona Media and Ribera Alta.which total 96 hectares (approximately a third of the total area of ​​Navarre walnuts). Its estimated production is around 200 tonnes, or 46% of Navarre’s total production.

Thus, the farms who will market the “Nue de Navarra” in the campaign which is about to begin, these are the “Nue de Arizala” in Arizala; Aitacayo SL, in Artajona; José Antonio Chocarro, in Berbinzana; “Nueces Valle Arga”, in Falces; “Nueces de Oteiza”, in Oteiza de la Solana; “Nueces de Navarra”, in Riezu; and “Benitoren” and “Monte Sesma”, in Sesma.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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