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Mazón announced the sponsorship of the 9 d’Octubre festival with 3.3 million six days before requesting the offer from the company

The Valencian government, chaired by the popular Carlos Mazón, announced the controversial holding of the “Som de la terreta” festival, planned to celebrate the traditional holiday of October 9, six days before the company Iron Stage SL was invited to participate in the public sponsorship procedure by hand and by urgent treatment. Although the Presidency of the Generalitat reported on the celebration of the festival on September 19, the resolution for awarding the private sponsorship contract, to which elDiario.es had access, reveals that the invitation to participate in the negotiated procedure without advertising was not sent to the company until September 25, six days later. This is documentation that the autonomous department of the Presidency refused to hand over to the PSPV-PSOE, alleging that “the processing of the files is not yet complete”.

The private contract, signed on October 4 by Joaquín Vañó, undersecretary of the Presidency, and by Alfredo José Pozo, representative of Iron Stage SL, sets a total amount of 3.3 million euros (VAT included) for the advertising sponsorship of the festival, consisting of three concerts organized last Saturday in Alicante, València and Vila-real with artists such as Abraham Mateo, Taburete, Nena Daconte or Funzo & Baby Loud.

On September 19, six days before the Presidency invited the company to the emergency procedure and in person, the Generalitat promoted the festival’s website, in which the Iron Stage SL legal notices already appeared, to request tickets. The company, as documentation in possession of this editorial indicates, had not even submitted its sponsorship proposal.

Iron Stage SL, once invited to participate in the emergency procedure, submitted its economic and technical proposal on September 30. The General Directorate of Communication and Institutional Promotion, headed by Francisco Daniel González, asked the company to improve its offer – “if it deems it appropriate” – which could consist of a reduction in the offer price or an extension of the advantages provided for in the technical specifications.

Finally, on October 1, the cabinet presented a final economic offer of 3.3 million euros, with a reduction of 121,000 euros compared to the tender price. On October 4, the day before the concerts, the price was made official and the private contract was signed, which, although part of a public administrative file, was refused to the opposition.

A price supported by the Intervention

The sponsorships were approved by the highest autonomous administrative control body. The Delegated Intervention “followed the award of the contract with compliance”, according to the resolution of the Undersecretary of the Presidency. The Generalitat Valenciana, adds the document, awarded the sponsorship to Iron Stage SL “for being the company that holds the exclusivity of the event and that meets the requirements required in the specifications”.

The company, as reported by this newspaper, was created on January 23 and shares its headquarters and representatives with The Music Republic, promoter of events such as the FIB, the Festival de les Arts, the Arenal Sound or the Viña Rock, among others. .musical events.

The millionaire sponsorships of the festival, which only included three concerts in Valencian, are under the control of the PSPV-PSOE and Compromís. The amount of sponsorships also sparked outrage in the cultural sector. The Valencian Federation of the Music Industry (Fevim) expressed its “deep concern” and “concern” about a reward with a high cost and treated without “fairness” or “transparency”.

After the celebration of the party, Carlos Mazón described the event as a “resounding success”, in which around 50,000 people participated, according to the Generalitat. Mazón highlighted the impact of the three concerts on the local economy, “which boosted tourism and the hospitality and commerce sectors.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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