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The PP is desperately seeking a formula to correct its mistake of supporting reform that benefits ETA members

The People’s Party is grasping at straws to try to stop the judicial reform that would allow 44 ETA terrorists will have their sentences reduced and seven could be released from prison in the coming months. An objective of the government squad which has infiltrated both the PP and Vox, who now find themselves tied hand and foot and without the power to react in an attempt to prevent the modification of Organic Law 7/2014 – on the exchange of information on criminal records in the European Union – will be released in the coming weeks.

So the first step for the Feijóo team was to buy time. The plenary session of the Senate this Tuesday agreed, at the request of the formation, postpone the debate on the bill on the exchange of criminal recordswhich will allow 44 ETA prisoners to be released earlier than expected, and which will be voted on in an extraordinary plenary session before next Monday. With 143 votes in favor, 100 against and 1 abstention, the full Senate agreed to exclude from the agenda this law, which was unanimously approved in Congress and which reached this final stage without any group has not presented any amendments.

But that’s not the only action they took to try to put out the fire. PP sources in the Senate confirmed to laSexta that the party sent a letter to the Senate Spokesperson’s Office for the groups to withdraw Sumar’s amendments that will benefit ETA prisoners. Now the proposal to remove from the law articles 12 and 14, which benefit ETA detainees, needs the unanimous support of the House. However, only Vox supported the PP.

The PSOE and all its partners refused to sign the PP petitionaligning with the interests of Bildu and ETA prisoners. The PP will continue to study all political, parliamentary and legal instruments to stop this reform,” assured the same sources.

The PP recognizes the mistake, but no one takes responsibility for it

However, since their formation, they have gone out to sing the mea culpaeven if no one takes personal responsibility. Some PP deputies, as laSexta consulted, They blame this serious error on the party’s legal department in Congress. Once failure is accepted, what remains unknown is who is the person who will take responsibility for the error.

The PP and Vox assured that this the type of decisions passes several filters and that therefore they should have understood the government’s decision. The seriousness of the matter is such that several members of the Popular Party called the Genoa headquarters this Monday to unsubscribe.

The question is: can the “popular” send the reform back to Congress after having been unanimously approved on September 18? According to the regulations, Feijóo’s men have only succeeded in delaying the inevitable, since, if everything goes as planned, They will not be able to prevent the publication of the reform in the Official State Journal (BOE). Indeed, the presentation report has already been approved without adding amendments and the Senate does not have the power to withdraw a bill.

That is to say, although the PP used its majority in the Senate to reject the text coming from Congress, the legal reform will be published directly in the Official State Gazette (BOE) for its entry into force, because no veto or amendment is requested. included in the Upper House. Of course you will have to wait next Monday, October 14.

Feijóo asks the PSOE to withdraw the amendment

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, asked the government to withdraw the amendments introduced to the bill on the exchange of criminal records that will allow the early release of 44 ETA prisoners, a measure he described as “indignity” which was adopted in Congress “using a parliamentary trick of enormous moral turpitude”.

“But there is a moral abyss between an error in a parliamentary procedure and the deliberate desire to release from prison the prisoners convicted of the ETA murders to keep Sánchez in government,” denounced Feijóo, who argued that if the ‘Executive does not withdraw the amendment the Senate will deny it “by an absolute majority“, so that “the only one responsible for this outrageous outrage will be the president of the government, his parliamentary group and his partners”.

For his part, Miguel Tellado, popular spokesperson in Congress, directly pointed the finger at Pedro Sánchez as the “first and last responsible” of the reduction of the sentences of ETA members. “We knew in time that the Government was withdrawing it before the 14th. It did so on other occasions to avoid defeats,” declared the “popular”.

Furthermore, Tellado directly attacked the Executive, alleging that “he was committing fraud”when in reality his own party had voted in favor of judicial reform on September 18. He also added that the PP assumes responsibility for not having been vigilant: “The PP assumes responsibility for not having been vigilant when it was necessary.”

“He The government is capable of the smallest deception that we could never have imagined. All movements consist of paying debts to one’s partners. This Government only legislates for the payment of favors and for this we will look for legal alternatives if the Executive does not withdraw it,” concluded the PP spokesperson.




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