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HomeLatest NewsPontón calls the Xunta distributor “a new phase of wind energy plunder”

Pontón calls the Xunta distributor “a new phase of wind energy plunder”

Regional financing and debt cancellation were some of the main topics that the opposition used in plenary session this Tuesday to attack the regional leader, Alfonso Rueda, who appeared at his own request to return takes into account the main strategic lines of the next Orzamentos of the Community. But they weren’t the only ones. In addition to Altri, the launch weapon par excellence of the BNG, this time they also used the asset of the “second phase of wind plunder”, which, according to the nationalists, is none other than the company of marketing promoted by Xunta y Resources of Galicia to reduce the cost of electricity and the cost of energy in certain areas.

The leader of the opposition, Ana Pontón, began her speech by criticizing the lack of courage of the Galician president, because “if he were so convinced of his management as president today, he would call the debate on the state of the nation.” to appear in an ordinary plenary session during which he has unlimited speaking time “and the BNG is only allowed to speak for ten minutes”, like the rest of the opposition groups. And despite the justification of the president, who in his response explained that the rules of the House provide that the debate on autonomy will not take place in the same year as the regional elections, the nationalist spokesperson still insisted on the next round on the fact that, if they wish, parliamentary groups can modify these regulations.

Financing and debt cancellation were also at the heart of his intervention, even if he first accused Rueda of working “for the electricity lobby” which is rolling out the red carpet for him “so that he can get rich by stealing our wind. He spoke thus of a “new phase of wind power plunder”, the creation of a “70% private” marketing company which he defined as “a smokescreen” with which the people want to silence “all criticism and all social indignation” in this regard. “His obsession is to unblock the wind plunder of this country so that the electricity lobby continues to make money at the expense of the Galicians, this is his first priority,” he told the president. The “second,” he continued, is to “place an environmental bomb in the heart of Galicia”: “it must be for a reason, Mr. Rueda” that the administration wants “to allow a multinational like Altri to place a polluting macrocellulose”. which Portugal does not want”, he criticized. “Galicia needs answers for the 21st century and its big bet is to repeat what Franco did more than 60 years ago by placing another bomb environmental in this country”, he affirmed. Of course, in her response, she made sure to specify that the BNG will never enter into the “strategy of insults and personal attacks” of the PP, which is , according to her, “their way of understanding politics”.

In terms of financing and debt, he once again criticized the regional leader for refusing to “have the key” to Community money and to agree on a debt reduction which “would mean that we will have more resources for health, education or dependency, because we will pay less interest on a debt that you caused”. And he asked the regional president, who this Tuesday and the previous weeks justified that it would be a ruinous affair for Galicia for which each citizen would have to pay 495 euros, questioned him on the reasons why he did not agreed: “What’s bothering you, that we got it on BNG?”

“Bloody advertisements”

The general secretary of the Socialists, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, also attacked the content of the president’s intervention, which he defined as a series of “grandiloquent announcements” while in Galicia there is a collapse of public services , he assured. And he criticized, like the nationalists, the “cheap advertising” which, for the socialists, is Xunta’s electricity distributor. “He said renewable, public and cheap, but it’s none of the three things. La Xunta only owns 30% and the rest is in the hands of private companies,” he explained.

And, continuing with the same battery of subjects as the nationalist group, he addressed the president, assuring that from now on “It’s time for the Xunta to take responsibility for your taxes so that we can better and more fairly assess the skills and resources we have. He therefore insisted that Galicia must have a financing model that takes into account its particularities, a “singular” model that takes into account demographic aging and the dispersion of the population. And to conclude, he called on Rueda to “rectify” and put the real problems of Galicians at the center of his management. “We are ready to collaborate, but you must act as president once and for all, without waiting for Feijóo to know what you have to do,” he concluded.

“Submission” and “fanaticism”

For his part, the spokesperson for the Popular Group began his speech by regretting that in “such a short time” he had “so many atrocities to deny”. Regarding socialist criticism, he defended that the interests of Galicia cannot be subject to the fact that “Mr. Besteiro receives a call from La Moncloa” or “Sánchez receives a call from Waterloo”, and that the secretary general of the Galician socialists is ugly. “make mistakes” every time you have to take sides. “When we were talking about the transfer of coastal jurisdiction, he sided with the demands of the Basque Country and turned his back on the demands of Galicia. When we talked about the Catalan concert, he turned his back on Galicia again. “If we talk about railway destruction, he sides with this minister who claims that the railway is living the best moment in history and once again he turns his back on the interests of the Galicians,” said the spokesperson for the Group.

And if he described the socialist as “the best example of submission”, he wanted to recognize that “No one is equal to Ms. Pontón when it comes to ideological fanaticism”who was embarrassed to question “absolutely everything”, from the rules of the House, to the opinion of experts and the destination of European funds – after having declared that the 250 million that Altri opts for the subsidy of decarbonization should go to other sectors-. “Nothing is fair if it is not to the taste of the BNG,” he said.

For the popular spokesperson, nothing better illustrates this “fanaticism” than her position on regional funding, “so much so that she is ready to lead Galicia to the economic abyss on condition of not deviating even one millimeter from nationalist orthodoxy. He thus recalled the study commission carried out in the parliamentary chamber to try to reach a common proposal in terms of regional financing, where “each of the speakers convened by the PP and the PSdeG firmly rejected the possibility of an agreement economic”. Galicia to consider it harmful. The specialists that the BNG tries to pass off as “fake”, all except Xosé Díaz Díaz, explained Pazos, who, “without accredited economic studies”, assures that the concert would be beneficial for Galicia because it contributes to the State more than what he receives.

He then referred to the accusations of the deputy of the Mixed Group, Fernando Ojea, who said that the party was nominated by the BNG, but the popular spokesperson raised the bar: “It’s not true, it’s a sect. It is a sect where absolutely everything is called into question, where the economic arguments put forward by the economists we have called to appear, including the two from the BNG, are put aside and they come here because they found a person that no one knows in the economic field. . and that he says that the best thing for Galicia would be the economic agreement, which, curiously, only the BNG defends. “To strengthen himself,” accuses the nationalist, he is capable of throwing Galicia into economic ruin. Thank God there is a president, a government and a group here who will not tolerate it,” concluded the popular.

Criticisms which echo those formulated by the regional president, who first of all wanted to highlight the inconsistency of the nationalist leader’s speech. She thus recalled that in the first intervention she had qualified him as “a coward, an errand boy, submissive, a Francoist, servile towards those who plunder Galicia and surrendered to his bosses of big companies”, while, in the second , she was “outraged” by the “insults” he addressed to her. “A classic, and we’ve been like this for 25 years, Mrs. Pontón. Honestly, it’s a shame for Galicia. Not for me, I am,” he joked, assuring that it is in any case a “selfish” feeling, because for Galicia “it’s probably not good.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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