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Armenia’s COP29 “trick” that ignores nature: political objectives in the shadow of an incomplete peace

Armenian President Vaghan Khachaturyan said in an interview with “Reuters” that he hoped a peace agreement with Azerbaijan could be signed before COP29 in Baku in November. The point is that Azerbaijan does not renounce peace, on the contrary, despite being the victorious side of the war, it was the official Baku that repeatedly extended the hand of peace to Armenia and sent a package of proposals. The thing is that Irevan, with the support of his sponsors, stopped the process each time with new provocations. In particular, the arming of Armenia by France and India, the move of Western countries and organizations to the region to intensify their provocations in the South Caucasus and its protection caused Azerbaijan’s legitimate concern, which means that the government and Armenian society has not yet abandoned its revanchist mood.

In this regard, Azerbaijan has rightly demanded the removal of articles containing territorial claims against Azerbaijan from the Armenian Constitution to eliminate the possibility of a possible new conflict, normalize relations between the two countries and restore stability in the region, On the contrary, he stated that a peace agreement would be impossible.

Armenia, however, has not given an unequivocal response to this proposal with contradictory statements. As a result, relations were not normalized and a peace agreement was not signed. In this sense, it is not known what kind of peace Khachaturian is talking about. If this peace is provided by Armenia’s conditions and if these conditions are accepted, it will accept Azerbaijan’s invitation and participate in COP29, it is not only unreasonable but also impossible. Furthermore, the fact that Armenia still does not value Azerbaijan’s invitation to participate in COP29 demonstrates once again that this country does not have a human essence and is not based on the principles of humanism. Because, as its name suggests, the United Nations Climate Change Conference looks for ways to get rid of the main threats that await humanity and proposes solutions. However, the importance of these higher values ​​is certainly questionable for Armenia, which committed ecocide (genocide of nature) against our country when it occupied Azerbaijani lands for 30 years.

On the topic Oku.AzA political commentator talking to Ilyas Huseynov He also believes that there are different opinions about the signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan within the framework of COP29, but the main point is that no one needs an incomplete peace:

“Because in the shadow of an incomplete peace a number of political objectives are hidden. Therefore, it would be good if practical measures were taken to change the constitution of Armenia or practical measures were taken to dissolve the Minsk group. It is very easy to do so, but Armenia shows great perseverance in this matter. It is even possible to approach the OSCE Secretariat at the level of Foreign Minister, and it is possible to accept the new realities and abandon more realistic conditions.”

“On the other hand, the holding of COP29 in Azerbaijan has also mobilized forces that do not like our country. Several smear campaigns are being carried out against our country, with the arrest of several people and the publication of insidious articles written by “This makes the situation a little worse. The result is that Armenia is at peace, which shows that it is not interested,” the commentator said.

According to him, since the philosophy and essence of COP29 are quite clear, Armenia’s refusal to do so shows the true nature of this country:

“Because at COP29 the main task is to discuss the events that are happening in the direction of climate change and find their solutions. Unfortunately, Armenia uses this for political purposes and tries to create many misconceptions about our country.”

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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