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“Don’t point fingers at anyone, we are a team”

The PP parliamentary group met andthis Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. to his deputies during the ordinary meeting to discuss the questions of the plenary session (which started at 3 p.m.) but the “error” which dominates the news crept into this meeting: the vote in favor of a reform of the government of Pedro Sánchez it can benefit 44 ETA prisoners. From the leadership of the Popular Group, the order given to its deputies, behind closed doors, was to close ranks: “Don’t point fingers at anyone, we are a team”summarizes the PP sources present at the meeting.

In this way, the management of The Popular Group has ruled out taking disciplinary measuresspecify the sources, believing that the error is “collective”. This conviction is also shared by several deputies in conversation with this newspaper, thus speaking of a “chain failure”. He therefore believes that now You can’t tackle the “weakest link” nowsince there are different positions, at different levels, that oversee these legislative processes.

Likewise, these sources admit that territorial delegations “discomfort in the street”in their constituencies, with this blunder on a sensitive subject like the fight against terrorism. In addition, the PP sources consulted emphasize that there is also “indignation” within the parliamentary group for “having wasted this payment from the government to Bildu” having exhausted the Government even more during the parliamentary process of this reform.

However, neither in a presentation, nor in the Commission, nor in the plenary session, where the government’s bill on criminal records – amended by Sumar with a view to possible benefits for ETA detainees – the PP or Vox did not denounce the trap that was set up. . A maneuver which, in fact, had already been subject of debate in Congress in 2022when the government denied to the Lower House and to the victims of terrorism that the transposition of a European directive which envisages this reform would lead to a reduction in the sentences of ETA prisoners.

Likewise, there are PP deputies, according to the sources cited, who do not believe that the party “should henceforth get bogged down in more explanations on what was a complete mistake. From a more critical position, the “lack of experience” of the current management of the Group also slides internally.

Focused on Together

In this context, the spokesperson for the PP in Congress, Miguel Telladodeclared this Tuesday during a press conference in the Lower House, before the meeting of the parliamentary group, that in addition to Sumar’s trap amendment, there was “others from Junts” that they “intended to obtain judicial advantages” for former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont. “And the PP speakers who participated in the debate on these amendments focused on this one because of the seriousness it had and maybe they lost sight of the others “It might seem harmless and it wasn’t,” Tellado said.

At the same time, the parliamentary spokesperson of the PP assured that his party “takes responsibility for not having been vigilant” during the process, but stressed that now It’s time to look for “solutions” by stopping this lawthat is why he asked the government of Pedro Sánchez to withdraw the text before Monday, October 14, the deadline for its processing in the Senate. “I think that today it’s not about debugging responsibilities. It’s about looking for solutions,” Tellado said.

He was asked if the PP was going to take on some type of responsibility internally and if he had any contact with MPs who participated in the parliamentary process of this law to take measures, Tellado acknowledged having “collected information on how the entire parliamentary process on this issue has developed.” In fact, the spokesperson met this Tuesday around 9:00 a.m. to the deputies of the Popular Group of Congress who participated in the parliamentary process, a meeting in which half a dozen people participated, as reported Ep.

Meanwhile, in the Upper House, PP senator and sister of Miguel Ángel Blanco, Marimar Blancoclaimed the “support for victims” which, as he said, his party demonstrates and underlined the “proximity” that his colleagues showed him in the face of this judicial reform.

For her part, during a control session, the spokesperson for the PP in the Upper House, Alicia Garciaasked the Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Justice, Felix Bolanosthat “for democratic decency and for the dignity of the victims, let us remove the ignominy”. “We demand that the PSOE prevents the reduction of the sentences of 44 ETA terrorists and prevents the release of the assassins of Miguel Angel Blanco either Fernando Mugicahe pointed out.

Following this error, Feijóo gave orders to the general secretary of the PP: Cuca Gamarrato call Bolaños by phone to ask him to withdraw the bill, but the minister’s response was to go on the attack and accuse the PP of “change of mind” in its position.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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