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The United States takes the bullet out of its foot: behind the scenes of Vardanyan’s public relations

In September 2023, the “state minister” of the former Azerbaijani regime, Ruben Vardanyan, who was detained by Azerbaijani law enforcement agencies, was charged with “financing terrorism”, “participating in the creation and operation of armed forces “groups or groups not provided for by law” and “crossing the state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan” of the Criminal Code Although he was charged under the articles of “illegal crossing” and a year has passed since his arrest, the machines. PR Those working for him in the United States of America and other Western countries continue to advertise him on the principle of Armenians instead of Armenians The American PR company “Edelman”, which has long maintained close ties with Ruben Vardanyan. time, he actively continued the campaign demanding his release and issued a new statement.

In fact, the publicity about Vardanyan began from the day of his arrest. Rather, the West uses it as a tool to implement its dirty plan in this direction. In particular, USAID Director Samantha Power’s warm relationship with Vardanyan plays a special role in this announcement. Not surprisingly, in 2018, Power received the “Aurora” award founded by Vardanya, and in fact received one million dollars. In short, the West is trying to support the leaders of the separatists and implement their cunning plans through them, and it seems that they have intensified this activity even further.

On the topic Oku.AzPresident of the “Atlaz” Research Center, political commentator Elkhan Sahinoglu He said that the demand for Rubén Vardanyan’s freedom by various groups in the United States of America means putting a bullet in his own foot:

“This also goes against the interests of the United States. Because Ruben Vardanyan, as a former citizen of Russia, made a name for himself in various financial machinations. The United States also controlled many Russian oligarchs in this direction, because their money also era Rubén Vardanyan is also on those lists. Now it turns out that the United States demands the freedom of a person it is trying to include on the sanctions list.

The expert stated that the contradiction regarding Rubén Vardanyan does not end there:

“For example, take Armenia itself. Since recent years, the United States has supported this country against Azerbaijan. However, Russia has military bases in Armenia, and Russian border guards protect Armenia’s borders. Furthermore, if Armenia is following a current pro-Western political policy thanks to Pashinyan, Robert, who adopts a pro-Russian political line, Kocharyan and Serjik Sargsyan have also been supported. This means that they will not be able to release him. The trial is ongoing.”

“It is interesting that although Vardanyan is a citizen of Russia, he does not receive any support from Russia. Only his relatives keep him under control. They also try to draw attention to him through false information from abroad. But in general, not much attention is paid to him “And this means that they will not be able to remove Nelson Mandela from Ruben Vardanyan by false means. In this sense, I believe that the activation of such groups will not affect the situation in the least.”

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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