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HomeEntertainment NewsThe return of job cuts makes the unions jump.

The return of job cuts makes the unions jump.

Since his arrival in Matignon, Michel Barnier has not stopped sending signals to workers’ organizations. It shows his desire to change his method in relations with the unions, to break with seven years of Macronism that has mistreated intermediary organizations. However, this new way of doing things does not seem to worry the public service. At least that’s what the agents’ representatives think.

The new Minister of the Public Service, Simplification and Transformation of Public Action, Guillaume Kasbarian, received them all, between Monday, September 30 and Monday, October 7. All unions report a cordial first meeting and a minister who listens. Therefore, they were even more surprised to discover the fate that Michel Barnier reserved for the public service.

On October 3, in the program “L’Evénement” on France 2, the Prime Minister once again put on stage an antiphon that had somewhat disappeared in recent years: job cuts. “We will probably not replace all officials who are not in direct contact with citizens, all officials who retire”the head of Government reported, also mentioning the mergers. Although the executive intends to save 40 billion euros by 2025, budget cuts should not spare the public service.

Read the decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers. Budget: Government promises 40 billion savings from 2025

Matignon’s tenant, however, qualified his comments, in Sunday’s Tribune since October 6. “We don’t want a planer”he stressed, believing that a ” part “ of the “efforts” requested from central administrations and operators “it could be redistributed internally, as is practiced in companies”. The executive also suggested that, of the 5.7 million public employees in France, the 2.5 million state civil service agents will be the most affected by job cuts. The details are not yet known and will be specified in the 2025 finance bill, which is due to be presented on Thursday.

“Twenty years ago”

On October 4, Guillaume Kasbarian stated on BFM-TV that “support[ait] the Prime Minister’s goal of doing more with less means”. While he declined to say how many positions would be eliminated, saying he did not want “anticipate” debates on the budget, but clarified that “It is possible that in support functions, in a certain number of functions that are not in direct contact with the citizen or user, certain retirements may not necessarily be replaced”.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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