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HomeLatest NewsThere are culprits for this terrible hell in the Middle East

There are culprits for this terrible hell in the Middle East

It is sometimes appropriate to look up and leave our domestic miseries, so small, so insignificant, so petty, aside for a few hours. You can surely wait for the comments on this heartbreaking problem of housing, governments, autonomy and municipalities entangled in a tangle of handicaps that prevent them from stopping, is that the solutions do not even seem to glimpse a reasonable future that can put an end to it. to the anguish of millions of citizens, young people of course, but not only. Next week, the more than 300,000 social housing units this country needs will still not be built. And the parties, lost in their labyrinth, will not have agreed on a strong, powerful, energetic solution either: we have held out until now, our society can no longer take it. These judges you are talking to me about, Peinado as an example? There they will continue, plunging into the black hole of immodesty, firmly supported by their remarkable colleagues in robes. Like slanderers, generators of hoaxes, insults and lies. If only some of us had a broom!

So let’s broaden the horizon and take a look at this card that we haven’t considered in a long time. There, in a little corner between Europe and Asia, on the edge of Joan Manuel Serrat’s Mediterranean, like Barcelona, ​​Capri or Ibiza, are Israel (20,000 km2), Lebanon (10,500) and Palestine (6,000). In total, a little over 36,500 km2; Between them, they do not even reach the extent of Extremadura, 41,600 km2. There, let’s pay attention to the figure, neither more nor less than 20 million human beings live in a heterogeneous mixture of races and religions; between Cáceres and Badajoz, they total just over a million. It is, look at it from a bird’s eye view, a tiny place, a little dot on the big map. And yet, everyone lives in this waiting, today and for so long, a terrible place of anguish and endless violence.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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