Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 7:50 am
HomeTop StoriesVenezuela's National Assembly calls on Maduro government to break relations with Spain

Venezuela’s National Assembly calls on Maduro government to break relations with Spain

Venezuela’s Chavismo-controlled National Assembly on Tuesday approved an agreement to urge Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s government to sever diplomatic and commercial relations with Spain. A decision that comes weeks later a non-legislative proposal from the PP was postponed in which the executive of Pedro Sánchez was asked to recognize the Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González.

The text urges the Chavista executive to evaluate “within a peremptory deadline the severance of diplomatic and commercial relations with the Kingdom of Spain” in rejection of the “rude and intrusive decision adopted by the Congress of Deputies of Spain against Venezuelan institutions”.

Likewise, he emphasizes that “in recent years, the Spanish extreme right has refuge from convicted and confessed fascist criminals and terroristswhich favored failed coups in the country, as well as the explosion of violence to generate political and social destabilization.

Shortly before, the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, assured that “Patience has a limit.” “And the specific and precise limit of patience is that in which exceeding these limits implies affecting our sovereignty and our independence,” he added.

In this way, the tension that seemed calm between the two countries could resurface. A situation generated after the holding of elections in Venezuela during which, according to the Chavista authorities, Maduro was re-elected. Results that the anti-Chavista opposition described as fraudulent.

Spain demanded that Maduro regime publish election results and thus clarify whether we are facing fraud or not. It should be noted that this demand comes from a large part of the international community, which has increased pressure on the Maduro government to review and publish the detailed results by electoral college.




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