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What is a North Korean doing fighting in Donbas? Seoul warns of ‘escalation’ between Kim Jong-un and Putin in Ukraine

For twenty-four years, no Russian president has set foot on North Korean soil. For twenty-four years, Russia had only one leader. So it was his Vladimir Putin who, after two decades, decided to visit its secret neighbor at the end of June, just days after the G7 meeting, with the aim of cementing an alternative world order to the one that emerged after World War II.

Putin and Kim Jong Un They shared a limousine and praise and signed a mutual security agreement together.

“Russia is currently engaged in a just struggle against hegemonic forces to defend its sovereign rights, security and interests,” the North Korean said. “I take this opportunity to affirm that we will always stand with Russia on the anti-imperialist front and on the independence front.” This has been the case since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. While the European Union collected a third of a million shells for the resistance at the beginning of March, North Korea was able to send a million and a half shells to the invaders.

“We have to see what happens [en Oriente Próximo y en Europa central] as a unique and global conflict, within a Second Cold War, potentially a Third World War, where there is an axis that unites China, Russia, Iran and North Korea,” explained the historian. Niall Ferguson in this newspaper. “Despite their many differences, they share the goal of undermining American primacy, what we Americans call the liberal international order. Their way of achieving this is to open up different and simultaneous challenges to the United States and its allies, causing a kind of overwork.

The fluidity of North Korean shipments to the front has not suffered in recent months. Kim, who returned to Russia on a train trip in September, contributed to Putin’s war effort, as did Iran, with short-range missiles aimed at destroying the country’s cities and strategic infrastructure. Now, they warn from South Korea, the plan goes a little further. Last week, the first reports of dead and wounded North Korean fighters on the Donetsk front in eastern Ukraine emerged.

Yesterday, the South Korean Minister of Defense, Kim Yonghyunconsidered this news to be true and “very likely” that the Pyongyang regime would deploy more troops to Europe to gain combat experience. This newspaper confirmed with Ukrainian sources that it had the same certainties.

The new revelations about Iranian and North Korean support for Putin’s plans for Ukraine contrast with the latest limitations the United States and European Union have imposed on their ally. Administration Biden has blocked the use of its long-range missiles to attack positions inside Russia that Putin’s troops are using to fire on Ukraine. France and the United Kingdom, dissuaded by the White House, did the same. Marc RutteFor his part, he made his debut as NATO Secretary General during a trip to kyiv, where he declared that “Ukraine will continue on this path until it becomes a member of our alliance”.

The president ZelenskyHowever, he insisted on the need to prioritize the defense of his skies, citing the example of Israel as a comparative grievance. “We see how in the Middle East it is possible to protect people’s lives through the unity of allies,” he said. “The joint shooting down of Iranian missiles is no different from the shooting down of Russian missiles, and the two regimes go hand in hand.”

With these eyes, Ukrainians see their freezing winter more closely. With low energy production capacity – more than half of the power plants are affected by the bombings – and the imminent increase in taxes to pay for the war, there are added doubts about the involvement of the next president of the United States in the defense of his country. sovereignty, the cooling of support from powers like Germany and the difficulties in recruiting more soldiers into the country.




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