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The new employers’ association of Extremadura CIEM integrates the transport sector with the membership of Asemtraex

The Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Independent Workers of Extremadura (CIEM) continues to consolidate its project with the membership of the provincial organization of the Association of Transporters of Extremadura (Asemtraex), which finalized its integration into the Badajoz confederation, with the unanimous support of its board of directors.

The new annexation, made official this week at the CIEM headquarters in Badajoz, took place in the presence of the president of the CIEM, José Luis Iniesta; the vice president, Mariano García Sardiña, and the president of Asemtraex, Miguel Ángel Sánchez Bravo.

With this addition, they are More than fifty associations have already joined the project. of employers from the province of Badajoz, from the main economic sectors of the region such as industry, commerce, tourism, construction or the transport of goods and passengers.

CIEM also holds the full representation of the self-employed groupafter integrating the three organizations that bring them together in the autonomous community, and strengthened its presence at the national level through the autonomous sectoral organizations that joined the project, as is the case of Asemtraex, integrated into the CEOE through the Spanish Confederation. of Goods Transport (CETM).

The Badajoz employers’ association It has already integrated more than 20,000 companies and independent workerswho demonstrate through their support the confidence of the business world in the project that the CIEM launched less than a year ago.

An employers’ association in which entrepreneurs and self-employed people trust

“We continue to bring together the sectors around our transversal project, forming a solid employers’ association in which businessmen and self-employed workers in the province of Badajoz trust. And we do not stop. We will continue to fight For defend the needs and interests of women and men who build the economy of the province of Badajoz and with it Extremadura”, underlined the president of CIEM, José Luis Iniesta.

For the president of Asemtraex, Miguel Ángel Sánchez Bravo, joining CIEM is “a satisfaction”. “We recommend that cross-functional organizations defend the interests of the entire business world. This is why we joined CIEM, with the security of a common defense, with Asemtraex, of the interests of the associated transport companies of the province of Badajoz and Extremadura in general.”

ICES continues the work it has developed to realize new accessions that promote and strengthen a “open and unifying” confederationserving entrepreneurs and independent workers in the province of Badajoz who work “to generate new opportunities and strengthen our productive fabric”.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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