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In 2025, the Xunta will provide young people with “direct aid for emancipation”

The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, announced this Wednesday that 40% of the social housing for rent that his administration will build starting next year will be intended for young people. In the case of those dedicated to purchases, it will be 25%. This was explained in plenary session this Wednesday, questioned by the general secretary of the socialists on the measures that the regional executive will implement to resolve one of the main problems affecting young people: access to housing . And this, indicated the president, will not be the only measure: for the first time, in 2025, there will be a direct assistance to cover expenses related to emancipationbeyond paying rent or housing.

The monitoring session was launched by the socialist José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, who questioned the Galician president about the measures his administration is taking to address the difficulties young people encounter in accessing housing. Although he also mentioned others, such as unemployment, whose rate in this population group reaches 27%; “salaries”, in relation to their amount; “transport” and, “above all”, he stressed, “leave or stay in Galicia”: “This is the crossroads at which many young people find themselves.”

However, the central axis of his intervention was housing, young people must spend “50% of their salary on rent”. To which it should be added, he indicated, that currently “18,000 people are registered in the register of requests for social housing”, “four times more than in the last six years”. He thus attacked the social housing policy of the Xunta, both during the time of Feijóo and that of Rueda, who criticized that in 2022, his first year at the head of the Galician government, the execution of the point access to housing remained at 8.8%. And from the regional leader, he said he was “disconnected from reality”, after having declared the day before that “young people are freed from all inequalities thanks to the Xunta’s policy”. “Superb” is the word he chose to define it.

Statements which, in the response, were denied by the president. “On the contrary, what I said is that they must be at the center of our policies because they have many problems and many challenges,” and “arrogance,” he said. added, “speaks” like the socialist. Of this figure of 8% given by Besteiro, he indicated that it is an agreement that they had to sign in January, but “We were not able, because of the central government, before November“. “I would like your government to concentrate on what it has to do and send us the agreements at the beginning of the year so that we can sign them,” he said.

Regarding housing, he explained that it is one of the main objectives of this legislature, especially aimed at young people, because “to prepare the Galicia of today is to dedicate ourselves to young people, because this They will be the ones who build Galicia.” tomorrow.” “The challenge is to do everything possible so that they are first trained in Galicia; second, they can work in Galicia; and thirdly, if you wish, may your entire life project be here. Questions concerning education which, he recalled, is free in the Community, from nursery school to university; but also, obviously, for housing, whose funds, as announced Tuesday, “we are multiplying by three”. And he cited some measures, such as the objective of doubling the social housing budget in this legislature, the rental bonus for young people and even mortgage aid. And besides, “homes [públicas] that the Xunta builds in 2025, the 40% of those dedicated to rental will be intended for young people. And for sale, 25%.

And he continued by emphasizing that in the two-party system, the Community was at the bottom of the scale of the emancipation rate – number 17 – while it is now between eighth and ninth position. Precisely to promote this independence among the youngest, he announced that “in next year’s Orzamentos there will be, for the first time, a direct assistance to help young people emancipate themselvesoutside of rent or mortgage expenses. “Help so that they can meet these first expenses which are so fundamental when you start to live independently”, the amount of which remains to be defined.


The nationalists also questioned the president during the monitoring session, in their case, about the AP-9. The spokesperson for the Bloc, Ana Pontón, explained that her party had mandated the University of A Coruña ““a study to calculate the cost of rescue and evaluate legal avenues” to do it. “A report carried out by two experts, Carlos Aimeritz and José Antonio Blanco, which determines that the rescue is not only viable, but that it is the cheapest option both for public coffers and for Galicians. […]. The cost of the rescue would be 904.7 million, neither the 4,500 announced by Rajoy, nor the 6,000 announced by Sánchez, nor the 2,355 in the report commissioned by the Xunta. company which has “links with Audasa”. “Stop making fun of the Galicians, Mr. Rueda,” he told the president.

For his part, he assured that it is not the Galicians he is making fun of, but rather the “snout” of the nationalists. “Look, there were a lot of people commissioning the report, impartial people, and it turns out that The one who was spokesperson for the BNG in Parliament does it”, made ugly This “cannot be an example of impartiality,” he said.

And he made a recommendation: “Go back to the future as quickly as possible, since you are in the past,” because unlike her, he was not in the House in 2000, when he extended the transfer. “It’s been eight months since he lost the election and what he should do is oppose the present and not the past, nor Aznar, then president of the government.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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