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Separatism attacks Page for his harshness against the Catalan quota after the meeting with Sánchez in Moncloa

THE intense critical offensive against the economic concert of Catalonia of the socialist president of Castile-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Pagewho left his meeting with Pedro Sánchez at La Moncloa last Friday very clearly expressing his firm rejection of the agreement signed with ERC, has fueled the separatist parties, who have spoken out in force these days against the Castilian-La Mancha leader.

HAS first criticism of the secretary general of Junts, Jordi Turullin which he declares that Page’s words at Moncloa allow us “to listen a shabby but very accurate version of Spain that considers Catalonia a colony which can be plundered unlimitedly”, ERC spokesperson Marta Vilalta then joinedaffirming that the words of the president of Castilla-La Mancha “are the updated version of Spain is one and not 51”.

After Turull accused Page of claiming that “Catalans should work, pay and keep silent”, Vilalta estimated that the Castilian-La Mancha president “lives by attacking Catalonia and creating Catalanophobia”.

The wealth of all

As we remember, Page left Moncloa openly declaring, contrary to the position of the Sánchez government, that “the pact with ERC is a concert like the top of a pine tree, even if they write it in Aramaic” . He also said that “the wealth of Castile-La Mancha does not belong to the Castilians-La Mancha, and that of Catalonia does not belong to the Catalans, it belongs to everyone”.

According to the ERC spokesperson, “The page points to Catalonia as a central point, talking about the wealth of the Catalans, as if it were not a consequence of the efforts of the people who work in Catalonia, the companies, the self-employed, the families who contribute every day to building the country.

Vilalta added that the president of Castile-La Mancha, with his statements, focuses on wealth and “not on the management of inequalities that also exist” in Catalonia, and expressed textually his “condemns” the declarations of the socialist baron.

Catalan Senate and Parliament

The foundations of the separatist leaders of Junts and ERC have been laid, The tension against Page was also brought to the Senate this Tuesdaywhere several pro-independence senators came back to attack the president of Castile-La Mancha for his opinions on quotas and the defense of equality and territorial solidarity.

The senator Eduardo Pujolde Junts, like the Republican senator Sara Bailac They criticized Page’s position and accused him of acting “like a brother-in-law”, clearly expressing a common position towards the leader of the Socialists of Castile-La Mancha: “Catalonia is not here to be torn apart” and “the wealth of Catalonia is due to the Catalans and their work”considering it a “crime” to say that this wealth does not belong to Catalan society, but to all Spaniards, as Page thinks.

In this context, Page’s name was also mentioned this Tuesday in the Parliament of Catalonia during a general policy debate and after an intervention by the Catalan president, Salvador Illa. The spokesperson for the Junts in the House, Monica Salescriticized Illa for his lack of initiative in responding to Page for his repeated criticism of Catalonia’s single funding.

reproaches Illa

Sales criticized the Catalan president for not responding to the statements of the president of Castilla-La Mancha after leaving his meeting with Sánchez at La Moncloa. “We do not know what parliamentary support Illa will enjoy throughout the legislature,” said Carles Puigdemont’s party spokesperson.

It is clear that Page’s categorical position against the Catalan quota, even in front of Sánchez at Moncloa, has put on the guard of separatist partieswho transformed the Castilian-La Mancha baron into a sort of “bete noire”, almost the only truly critical voice against sanchism within the PSOE.

After receiving the first criticism, Page himself insisted on his positions and made it clear that “Spain’s wealth belongs to everyone and must be redistributed according to the principle of solidarity.”

“No territory can want to keep all of its wealth, because what they have is a consequence of the activity of entire generations“, explained the Castilian-La Mancha leader. Page believes that the separatists “invent history from a misunderstood superiority complex”.




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