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HomeLatest NewsThree Chinese vases: the discreet, the moody and the spicy

Three Chinese vases: the discreet, the moody and the spicy

It is no coincidence that they appear now: they work. The important thing is the objective. Ultimately, watered and protected by all this sinister and formidable apparatus that brings together neoconservative politics, the media at its service, the financial powers or the dubious justice, is Isabel Díaz Ayuso, given her absolute lack of scruples.

Felipe González and Mariano Rajoy claim their right to express their opinion in the face of “torquemadas that flourish everywhere”

The least important thing is what they call “Rajoy’s funny anecdote with the water bottle cap.” This is only part of the character played by Mariano Rajoy. Something simple and absent-minded, a right-wing man with a particular sense of humor that makes him very popular in the eyes of those who appreciate him. Sometimes he performs alone and other times accompanied by another of the great Chinese vases of our recent history: Felipe González, who, in turn, sometimes shares the stage with the third character on the bill: José María Aznar. The common goal is to overthrow the government of Pedro Sánchez and everyone has their own role in the show. This involves tightening the ring a little more. They claim that the polls give a growing advantage to the PP and that the right can accept a change of government, notably Puigdemont’s Junts. And why do they want La Moncloa? Doing what they’ve always done.

In a way, Mariano Rajoy is the most talented, the other two have pride and anger coming out of their pores and it shows too much. Aznar and González also agree on the power links they maintain, in particular the popular link fully linked to the international extreme right. Rajoy never had influence within the global core. But the little jabs he throws from time to time are widely commented on, given his alleged wit. What Feijóo tries to imitate with a rather bad shadow.

It is no coincidence that they appear now: they work. All. When we are told this fable of “the great social offensive of Feijóo” that “Ferraz” fears –in case someone does not see it with their own eyes in the Autonomous Communities governed by the PP and completely lacks memory–, it is appropriate to recall the truth of the national policies of the PP with which it appears as the most moderate of government presidents that the party has had. From La Moncloa, the capacity for action is greater and covers more aspects, except, apparently, for Pedro Sánchez, who still does not undertake a firm response to the attempts to destabilize democracy from which our country suffers.

The media have always treated Rajoy exquisitely. As if he were a vulnerable politician to protect. Five times minister and first vice-president with Aznar (a pure PP), he suffered the catastrophe of Prestige served with threads of plasticine and attacks from the 11M supporting Aznar who named him “his successor” in the old-style party. Roof maintenance The worldthe 13M, a day of reflection, finished him for the elections and lost them. He left after the big demonstration of “Who was it?” » assuring: “I have the moral conviction that it was ETA”, even though they knew the jihadist paternity very well. He would therefore be the one who launched the idea that the government was illegal with an incessant persecution of the socialist president Rodríguez Zapatero from the first to the last day.

They extended it throughout the mandate of the PSOE. No less than 13 demonstrations against their laws, eight more to protest against the government’s anti-terrorist policy which will eventually bear fruit: it is with Zapatero that the violence of ETA ceased. Undeniable.

Rajoy won elections in 2011 with an absolute majority, then in 2015, this time with a simple majority. His destructive management of the welfare state and essential rights has been eclipsed for no one knows why. Even if we don’t lack imagination. With Rajoy, to begin with, the directors of the three main Spanish newspapers Pedro J. Ramírez (The world), Javier Moreno (The country) and José Antich (The avant-garde ) and the takeover of RTVE by the entrance hall of the PP, which is still very active.

What is curious is that, in the interpretation of La Toja, with Felipe González and the former Portuguese president – ​​we assume he was surprised – Rajoy dared to make a sketch on Mario Draghi, then president of the ECB, now that he presents an economic recovery plan for the EU. He joked that he gave money to the Reds and gave nothing to his government. This is absolutely false, it was the opposite. Draghi’s injections into the Spanish risk premium, which rose to more than 500 points in 2012, managed to bring it down in record time and to minimal levels. His help was decisive. You already know that lying is even endorsed by the Supreme Court (Inda/Pablo Iglesias case), but it has serious consequences. And of course, it’s very telling how boldly they lie.

Excerpt from the book, the multi-million dollar bank bailout signed by Rajoy. We paid it almost in full. Unlike other countries, our money was not recovered and much of it was considered lost. The right loses millions which is a pleasure and they never pay for it.

His government uses scissors extensively. His first general state budgets cut education and health by 10 billion euros. In Health, the pharmaceutical co-payment was introduced and more than 400 drugs came out of the subsidized portfolio, which the patient had to pay in full, to “save” the treasury 450 million euros. “Superfluous” things: antidiarrheals, cough suppressants and expectorants, antacids, artificial tears, peripheral vasodilators, among others. PP communities (11 of 17 at present) have made progress in this predatory public health work.

Pensions were frozen, or even lowered, when the scale was modified, separating it from the CPI. All ministries have suffered cuts, all services, scientific research, culture, public libraries for which they have not budgeted a single euro, dependency aid. A true pioneer, Rajoy,

His labor reform made employment and labor rights precarious. Restrictions on unemployment benefits with that other Fabra mockery, Andrea, shouting “f*** off” from the bench, on top of that.

In terms of rights, the Gag law (internationally criticized for its “authoritarian and Francoist connotations”) was implemented. The announcement of his reform made the most extremists of the PP like Aznar and Ayuso cry to heaven. Spending on riot control and protective equipment rose from 173,670 euros that year to a forecast of 3.26 million in 2013. And the five-year budget jumped to 10 million euros. A total increase of 1,780%

It was a time of particular corruption, of strategic changes in the direction of the police investigating corruption, in the way of electing the judiciary (which later, in their cynicism, they used to retain this body six years older than expected). We cannot forget the sewers of the state, for which its main minister Jorge Fernández Díaz is still on trial, for inventing nonsense about his political rivals, Podemos and the independence movement. On this question, justice considered the president of this same government, Mariano Rajoy, victim of the syndrome of Infanta Cristina de Borbón, who knows nothing, just like Esperanza Aguirre.

Although it is striking, it is only a sketch, there is much more. This is why the bottled folklore grates a little, but he uses it to say out loud: Spain is not living its best moment. These sludges brought these changing sludges. Now on the starting track, Feijóo, already a Chinese vase, without even having passed through La Moncloa. Much less effective than Rajoy in his promotional work although he imitates him.

At the end of all this path remains the depository of all essences, watered and protected by all this sinister and formidable apparatus which brings together for its work neoconservative politics, the media at its service, the financial powers or dubious justice, even the Church. invites Ayuso and his 7,291 waiting elderly people to receive the Eucharist, paradoxically, in the “Congregation of Our Lady of Soledad and Helplessness”. The chosen one, on the starting track, is Isabel Díaz Ayuso, given her absolute lack of scruples in doing what suits her, without caring in the least who it harms.

The president of Madrid, with greater aspirations, is using all her strength today to try to exhaust the Spanish government, with the great collaboration of the team, using all the institutions at her disposal. He wants to have Begoña Gómez and Pedro Sánchez testify before the Madrid Assembly, without any real basis, as even the UCO of the Civil Guard proves, continuing the work of Peinado and the Madrid courts. Meanwhile, she shuts down all investigations into her and her family’s shameless dealings. And to the delight of his fans, he displays himself with the exacerbated incontinence of his Trumpist brain. Ayuso accuses the government of wanting to “poison and persecute” landlords who do not want to rent out their apartments, saying that “the social-communist government wants a drugged society with a global plan to control us like this” – without taking pity on Feijóo and his friends – or he literally defends the killing of children in Gaza “because they’re not going to be pelted with flowers”. He even dared to say that ETA was more alive than ever.

In his case, it’s not that he doesn’t see cars, apartments or commissions, he didn’t even know – one would say – the bomb he dropped on the retirement homes including he has custody. And there are things and beings that cannot be seen or felt from a certain angle. The degree of impunity he feels is such that he attacks from this rottenness in which he really lives with paradigmatic audacity.

They say that the PP is rising in the polls, yes. Their traps and their propaganda cost them dearly, it costs us dearly. The vinegary Chinese vase, since its misdeeds at the Azores summit, the 11M attacks and its atrocious lies to keep the Government for the PP, dares to describe the Government as “moral trapping”, it also works for that, to the courageous, dark.

And it is not excluded that the third, Felipe González, smiles in a corner to see if the Spain he loves is finally restored. He is also very touched by the audios with the bed secrets of Juan Carlos I and the featured in which the king sings more than necessary. Felipe González helped him and he is grateful. But there is no great risk that much more will be known in today’s Spain. Calm down everyone, everyone calm down. And even less if the Chinese vases take their place again in La Moncloa, commanding the dirty earth that they now model.




Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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