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“Will they look their family in the eye?

The spokesperson for the PP in Congress, Miguel Tellador, showed a poster with the 12 socialists murdered by the terrorist group ETA to attack legal reform that would reduce the sentences of more than 40 ETA prisonersbringing his release closer. “Will they look their family in the eye?asked the popular leader while addressing the socialist bench.

Tellado showed himself in this way during the Government control session this Wednesday in Congress, specifically a harsh parliamentary question to the First Vice President of the Government and Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Montero. Tellado asked Montero if “it really benefits him” to carry out the public accounts in exchange for an agreement with Bildu to reduce the sentences of ETA prisoners.

This legal reform was approved by the government of Pedro Sanchez with Bildu, even if the PP voted in favor of his parliamentary treatment. Tellado showed this image to denounce the fact that the Executive already has “six additional votes” to carry out the General Budgets of the State, in particular those of the formation led by Arnaldo Otegi.

“Well, today, unfortunately, we already understand what Arlando Otegi meant when he talked about exchanging prisoners for budgets. You already have, Mrs Montero, 6 additional votes for these budgets, I suppose you will be very happy. Is it really worth changing 6 votes in exchange for the dignity of the victims of terrorism in Spain? Is it really worth it for you?“, declared the PP spokesperson from his seat.

At that time, the PP deputy recalled the crimes of the terrorist group ETA and released a poster with the 12 murdered socialists. “ETA murdered in our country 850 people and 379 crimes remain unsolved. These are the 12 socialist leaders assassinated by ETA. “Are you really going to be able to look the families of these socialist leaders in the eyes and explain to them that 6 votes for the Budget are worth it?” he declared. Tellado also criticized the government for increasing VAT on essential products such as pasta, milk, eggs, fruit and bread.

“They are desperate”

For her part, María Jesús Montero criticized the PP spokesperson for his “despair” for showing the poster of the 12 socialists murdered by ETA. “Mr. Tellado, we must be desperate as a political party to give the speech you gave at the beginning of your question. What you have done is a national shame, solely and exclusively because you are, precisely, prisoners of your own trap”, responded in turn the first vice-president of the government and Minister of Finance.

The socialist leader asked the popular people to stop “living this nostalgia and this melancholy”, in reference to ETA. “They are prisoners of a permanent speech of resurrection of ETA when, 13 years ago, this country’s democracy defeated the terrorists. Gentlemen of the PP, stop experiencing this nostalgia and melancholy. It is a shame what you are doing by putting here nothing more and nothing less than the victims of ETA, many of whom come from this socialist bench where the PSOE, like you, was a victim of the violence of the terrorist group.” he argued.

“Don’t repeat this way of doing politics, because it disavows you and your partywho are adrift, without a project and without an alternative to offer to Spain,” added Montero.

“They are subject to the arm of ETA”

In turn, Miguel Tellado defended that the government of Pedro Sánchez was “desperate” to “fraudulently introduce an amendment to another law to reduce the sentences of terrorists”, in reference to the legal reform that reduces the sentences of terrorists of the ETA. prisoners. “Yes, you are right, you have to be very desperate for a government to decide to introduce an amendment to another law to reduce the sentences of terrorists. to be able to continue for a few more months in Government from Spain. “You have to be very desperate, and this despair is that of your boss and that of all your ministers,” he stressed.

“Madam Montero, make no mistake, in Spain we have a government. subjected to the political arm of a terrorist gang. “It is the political epitaph of Pedro Sánchez and his entire government, it is regrettable,” concluded Tellado in his speech.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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