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HomeBreaking NewsThe criminal case of those who embezzled 1 million children with thalassemia:...

The criminal case of those who embezzled 1 million children with thalassemia: “They said that 83 thousand dollars are needed”

The trial was held in the criminal case of Nurida Seyidova, accused of embezzling approximately 1 million manat collected for children with thalassemia, and Aynur Bayramova and Aysel Mammadova, who were also accused with her.

According to “Report”, one of the victims, Sahid Movsumov, testified before the Baku Serious Crimes Court, presided over by Judge Azad Majidov. He said he took his son to Baku for treatment and that Aynur Bayramova asked him for $300 to take a blood sample and find bone marrow in Türkiye. After Movsumov gave money to Aynur Bayramova, a few days later they called her and told her that the boy’s surgery had cost 83 thousand dollars. Movsumov said he was only able to raise $10,000 and promised Aynur Bayramova that the rest would be paid by various organizations. Subsequently, they made Movsumov meet with Nurida Seyidova and after paying that amount, they sent him to Türkiye. Movsumov said he spent 8,200 manats out of his own pocket during his stay in Samsun for three months, but in the end the operation did not take place.

Another victim, Laura Gasanova, a citizen of Georgia, said Aynur Bayramova promised her that the bone marrow would be found in Turkey and that the operation would take place, and she received $30,000. He also met with Nurida Seyidova and after paying the money, the operation did not take place.

The victim, Tural Masimiyev, said that his two young children suffer from thalassemia and that he paid 59,500 manats for treatment. According to him, a part of the amount has been returned, but there is still a debt of 42,000 manat.

Another victim, Aysel Abdullayeva, said that one of her two daughters is a thalassemia patient and went through the same processes as Aynur Bayramova.

The next court session is scheduled for October 30.

It should be noted that Nurida Seyidova and others were found guilty of defrauding 36 people, taking 1 million manats from them and abusing their trust in the criminal case initiated following a complaint by the parents of patients with thalassemia. The defendants were charged with article 178.4 of the Criminal Code (fraud, especially when committed causing significant damage).


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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