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HomeLatest NewsFrom “gag law” to “executioner law”

From “gag law” to “executioner law”

Pedro Sánchez’s distressing cycle has different protagonists every week in the open bar of La Moncloa. In recent days, it is the pro-ETA coalition Pictures the one who arrogantly leaned on her elbows in front of the bartender to ask for her signing round. The cellar of our rule of law is already running out of steam. If Sánchez continues his bid for democracy at the lowest price, he will have no choice but to empty the dregs from the last barrel of Amontillado, surrounded by the remains of what was constitutional Spain.

Bildu openly claims to be the driver to the failed state, and Sánchez is the driver who throws his fellow travelers’ tickets into the abyss, so that no one gets off without notice. But, as in the famous Hollywood scene, when the Spanish bus rushes towards the void, the neo-communist and separatist partners of the PSOE will jump at the last moment. They will thus complete their work against Spanish democracy: at the bottom of the precipice, disjointed, will be a party that could have governed, but which chose to be the fool in the scam that everyone threw at it.

There is no road map on Sánchez’s tablebut there is no path that I choose in which the political heirs of the terrorist group are not frozen, claiming their victory over democracy, in the most humiliating way. A few days ago we had the revelation that ETA murdered its victims because they were dancing while holding each other. We already know that Sabino Arana, the putative father of these friends who killed other people for being more Basque than anyone else, considered dancing while holding each other to be a disgusting thing typical of the Spaniards, not the good ones Basques.

This is why the butchers, with ax and snake, killed, injured, kidnapped and robbed the “enemies of the Basque people”. Because they danced while clinging, yes… while clinging to life, to their principles, to their duty, to their family, to their love for the land of their parents and that of their children, to their commitment to Spain and to the Spaniards, including the Basques.

Last week, the philosopher Fernando Savater wrote with gratitude about his experience with his guardian angels, the bodyguards who watched over his life and that of his loved ones for more than ten years in the Basque Country. He rightly dismantled the puritanical rumor spread to exonerate the murderers by criticizing the fact that a person threatened with death by ETA went to a brothel.

With his characteristic aggression, Savater declared that the bodyguards They protected people threatened by ETA so that they can live their normal lives, not so that they can regenerate their vices, as if the virtuous attitude were that of someone who, from behind and without saying a word, sought to pierce the back of the head of his victim with a shot from a gun and lead.

We then saw a further shift towards the coalition which features convicted ETA murderers on its electoral lists and publicly honors them in the streets. Bildu became Sánchez’s main interlocutor in the reform of the Citizen Security Protection Law, to guarantee the lack of protection of agents in the exercise of their work and, therefore, guarantee the lack of protection of all citizens. We are going to move from the “gag law” to the “executioner law”promoted by the friends and comrades of terrorists.

The global horn of The economistarguing that Sánchez’s obsession with staying in power is deteriorating democracy in Spain, could not have been more timely. I don’t know what the influential British magazine will write now that the head of government is negotiating with the leading men of the terrorist group who murdered 209 civil guards, 149 national police officers, 25 municipal police officers and 16 regional police officers, the legal parameters of the actions of the Armed Forces and state security bodies.

In a country that continues to bear the terrible figure of nearly four hundred unsolved ETA murders, the government is committed to whitewashing the gang. But he also maneuvers to secure the release of his most bloodthirsty criminals as part of his payment in exchange for Otegi’s votes and his own.

I have the immense chance to share work in the Madrid Assembly with Marimar Blanco, the sister of Miguel Ángel, PP councilor in Ermua, and Daniel Portero, son of prosecutor Luis Portero. Both hold their heads and dignity very high in the face of the attitude of the Sánchez government towards the assassins of his brother and his father respectively: the first, Txapote, incarcerated in a prison in the Basque Country, and the second, Harriet Iragi. , benefited from the third degree.

Between the two terrorists, their crimes total a number of years such that if we subtracted it from the current 2024, we would go back to the year 1293, well before the arrival of the Black Death in Europe. The treatment reserved for them is part of the payment in B, for the misdeed, agreed with Bildu so that Sánchez can extend his stay at La Moncloa.

Marimar and Daniel, like all victims of terrorism, only ask for justice and respect for the law: Txapote and Iragi did not regret nor did they ask for forgiveness for their crimes, nor collaborate with justice to obtain this favorable treatment from the PSOE.

No one could have suffered as much as Marimar and Daniel because of the unjustifiable stumble of the PP and Vox by voting in favor of a legal reform that would reduce the sentences of forty-four ETA members, including the most bloodthirsty, including Txapotewhen calculating the length of his stay in prison in France.

Both parties apologized and pledged to reverse this parliamentary reform by all possible means, against a provision of the current law approved by the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights, as well as the Supreme Court.

Thus, the PP immediately paralyzed the processing of the legal initiative in the Senate with the intention of neutralizing it, forcing the PSOE to present itself, openly recognizing that it maintains the reform to continue selling our rule of law to those who want to destroy this, to change with a handful of votes.

The effects of this parliamentary error are so frightening that good people are demanding to go beyond apologies and demanding accountability. I hope what happened will teach us a lesson once and for all. As long as Sánchez is the one who brings together all those who want to destroy constitutional Spain which guarantees the freedom and equality of all Spaniards, none of their initiatives can be voted on if it has not previously passed all the necessary legal examinations and filters, but especially those of truth and ethics. In these last two cases, Sánchez’s bar is low, but we still have to be careful not to trip over him again.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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