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HomeLatest NewsRally in Alsasua calls for 'urgent solutions'

Rally in Alsasua calls for ‘urgent solutions’

THE Navarrese company Sunsundeguia bus manufacturer located in Alsasua, is going through a period critical situation this caused concern in the team and unions.

This Wednesday, the majority of the works council – made up of the UGT, the LAB and ELA – carried out a concentration in front of Alsasua town hall to report the non-payment of September pay and warn of imminent entry into a Temporary Work Regulation File (ERTE). Under a banner titled “Payment of wages. Future of the region”, workers demanded urgent solutions that guarantee the future of the company and the local economy.

The works council published a press release in which it reiterates the serious economic situation of Sunsundegui and calls for the involvement of all the agents involved, including the Government of Navarrahe Sunsundegui board of directors And Sodenathe public development company of Navarre.

The model requires a feasibility plan which ensures the continuity of the company, which has some 300 employees and has a significant impact on the region’s economy. Furthermore, they expressed their support for supplierswho are also going through difficulties due to the business crisis.

A long road of financial problems in Sunsundegui

Sunsundegui’s situation has deteriorated in recent months. In September, the company requested a pre-bankruptcy as a measure to face its economic difficulties, seeking a restructuring that allows its long-term viability.

This legal process gives the company a deadline to negotiate with its creditors and avoid bankruptcy, but it has failed to dispel uncertainty among workers nor in the industrial fabric of the region, where Sunsundegui has a strong dependence on their suppliers. Many of these suppliers have also seen how the crisis has directly affected them, putting their own businesses and jobs at risk.

Support and solution request for Sunsundegui

During the rally, union representatives urged all parties concerned to work together find a solution that not only guarantees the payment of salaries, but also ensures the continuity of industrial activity in the region. “We are not only talking about the future of Sunsundegui, but that of the entire region,” stressed the unionists, who warn that the closure of the company could have devastating effects in local employment and in the industrial supply chain of Navarre.

The works council emphasized that the supplier park which depends on Sunsundegui is also in a difficult situation. “These suppliers are essential for the operation of the factory and for the industrial fabric of the area,” they said, referring to the companies that supply parts and services to Sunsundegui and which, due to lack of payments, are facing serious difficulties in maintaining their commercial activity.

Sunsundegui’s uncertain future is in the hands of several institutions

He Government of Navarra And Sodena They are called upon to play a key role in resolving this crisis. In recent months, the government has shown its willingness to support Sunsundegui, but the works council demands a firm and concrete commitment which translates into measures that guarantee sustainability of the company. “We need a viability plan that secures the future of Sunsundegui, the workforce and the region,” union representatives said, calling for unity among all stakeholders.

In addition to the internal crisis in Sunsundegui, it is feared that the ERTÉ proposed for the coming months could worsen the economic situation of many families in Alsasua and neighboring municipalities, who largely depend on the direct and indirect jobs generated by the company. The company, with almost a century of history, has faced difficulties in the past, but the current crisis appears to be one of the most serious, calling into question its ability to recover without significant intervention.

Sunsundegui’s response and future prospects

Until now, Sunsundegui has not released an official statement in response to requests from the works council, but the situation continues to cause great concern among workers and the local community. The company, which has had major national and international contracts in the past, is now facing a financial crisis that is putting its operations under control.

For their part, workers reiterated their commitment to the company and their desire to find solutions that avoid permanent closure. The situation of Sunsundegui, as well as the impact on suppliers and in the region’s economy, this highlights the need to balance worker demands, market needs and institutional support.

In this context, Sunsundegui faces a uncertain pathand the intervention of the Government of Navarre and other actors could be decisive in defining the future of this emblematic Navarrese company and its impact on the regional economy.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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