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The cordon sanitaire” to prevent RN from having influence in the weakened National Assembly

With an irony not without bitterness, the extreme right likes to describe “beavers” the “Republican flood” voters. However, to his left, in the chamber, the elected officials, often from the government coalition, try to nibble the cordon sanitaire that prevents him, until now, from having a concrete influence in the National Assembly.

These deputies or neo-ministers, often coming from the ranks of Horizons, Edouard Philippe’s party, the Republicans (LR) or even the Macronist troops, no longer disdain the support of the National Assembly (RN), a group that now weighs, together with its ally Eric Ciotti, a quarter of the votes of the Assembly: 125 deputies and 16 for the UDR group (Union of Rights for the Republic). And that his temporary indulgence towards the majority, in the face of a leftist bloc that is usually united, can transform him into a partner, despite the xenophobic foundations of his program.

Even before examining the first texts of this legislature of uncertain duration, the first indications point to an erosion of the “cordon sanitaire.” The re-elections of the presidents of the commissions for the positions left vacant by the new ministers of Michel Barnier and the election of the positions of the delegations to the National Assembly caused the deputies of the “central bloc” and the extreme right to provide their services .

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. The “Republican Front” in “Le Monde”, an increasingly cracked dam against the extreme right

Friendly requests and coffee suggestions.

The Lepénistas claim, with a dose of boastfulness, that they receive kind requests and proposals for coffee on their phones from, according to them, the former Macronist bloc or LR. “Everything is worth negotiating. People constantly come knocking on the door, they play the violin for us, for the presidency of a delegation or a committee…”certifies Sébastien Chenu, delegate co-president of the RN group in the National Assembly, before specifying that he does not approve any “deal”.

Should we believe it? On Wednesday, October 2, the Northern deputy was elected president of the audit committee of the National Assembly. An organization without a political role, but which grants, in addition to being a driver, the right to supervise the internal finances of the Assembly. He will have benefited from a vote from MoDem and another from Horizons, and from the abstention of one deputy (Libertés, independents, overseas and territories), in the duel between him and the socialist Philippe Brun. The RN also obtained six vice-presidents in commissions, compared to none during the previous legislature.

On the contrary, several deputies from the old majority managed to dominate the candidates of the left thanks to the votes of the extreme right, for the presidency of two delegations and three commissions: Foreign Affairs (Bruno Fuchs, MoDem), Social Affairs (Frédéric Valletoux). , Horizons) and European affairs (Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, Renaissance). This was already the case in July, in particular to obtain the presidency of the powerful legal commission, where the (renaissance) deputy Florent Boudié was able to defeat the socialist candidate thanks to ten votes from the RN.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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