Friday, September 20, 2024 - 5:32 am
HomeLatest NewsAna 'Roja' Quintana

Ana ‘Roja’ Quintana

I had breakfast with an interview in which Ana Rosa Quintana expressed her political preferences and said that she had voted left on several occasions but that what she had never done was vote communist because she had culture. You can imagine the horror of someone who shared the program with her and attended her extremist centrist conversations in advertisements, in addition to personally suffering what she considers acceptable in the field of public opinion and freedom of expression. Ana Rosa voted left but she got rid of the vice. A reactionary cliché.

Ana Rosa is Ana “Red”, but she is also cultured and intelligent, which is why she rejects communism and now she must become an ayusista by conviction and gratitude for the sumptuous contracts of the Telemadrid production company. Let’s start from the principle that we cannot say with certainty whether the culture comes from the red Ana or the black clandestine. Be careful, the same is anarchist by aesthetic means. It is difficult for a pen-worker to get used to entering the set with a stylist holding his outfit and adjusting the collar, the lapel or any other part of the garment that I do not even know how to name. He is red on duty, which is why his conception of the left implies considering Page or Lambán extremes and Joaquín Leguina or the extreme-centrist version of Felipe González as acceptable, but a little excessive.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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