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HomeLatest NewsPedro Sánchez is absent from the vote on the SLA law

Pedro Sánchez is absent from the vote on the SLA law

He Plenary session of the Congress of Deputies unanimously approved this Thursday, the bill aimed at improving the quality of life of people affected Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. However, the vote was a surprise, because it took place without the participation of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, despite its social significance and without exercising his right to carry it out in a manner telematics, as if the vice president had done it, Yolanda Diazduring a trip to the United Kingdom.

Pedro Sanchez met today at 11:00 a.m. at the Palais de la Moncloa with the president of Aragon, Jorge Azcon, hence his absence, but without justification his refusal to vote because he could have done so electronically. This law, which was extended for 5 years with more than 60 postponements, showed the lack of interest in its approval on the part of the Government, which tried to sell as a success that became the norm once the Popular Party launched its own initiative.

Thus, in order to issue a telematic voting In Congressit was enough for the president to request his request by writing to the Council of Congress, exposing and justifying the reasons which prevent him from exercising his parliamentary function, as provided for in the Regulations of Congress.

And, although the law was passed unanimously, notably by 344 deputies, without registering any vote against or any abstention, this elusive vote once again confirms why the continued extensions of amendments to the bill without any justification at all during these years.

The plenary session began at eleven a.m., two hours later than usual, so that the 37 patients with ALS and the hundred family and caregivers who accompanied them were able to follow the session from the Constitutional Chamber.

Precisely, before starting the plenary session, many members of the Chamber took the opportunity to greet the ALS patients in the Constitutional Chamber, among them the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

The opinion approved last week by the Commission on Social Rights and Consumer Affairs was debated in plenary. In addition, The groups rejected amendments presented by BNG MP Néstor Rego and Podemos leader Ione Belarra.

The final text comes after the merger of the three regulations that Congress agreed to develop on this disease and which bear the signature of the PP, PSOE, Sumar and Junts. Thus, the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, assured that this law was a “priority” for his group, while regretting that it took three years to obtain its approval in the Lower House.

“Some of us had the honor of being its promoters, but this law belongs to everyone”, declared during the debate the deputy of the Junts, Pilar Calvo, who declared that “it is a very special day, one of those that will last for years.”

“In a budget of 400 billion euros, 200 million euros can be achieved to improve the lives of patients. I know that even the most essential demands must have been the cause of partisan conflicts in our country, as we have just seen. “It is not my intention to contribute to this, this is neither the time nor the place,” the leader said. popular.

In this sense, Feijóo celebrated that with this approval it has been possible to “significantly improve” the lives of many people. “This is the policy I believe in. Yes, I believe in a policy that gives priority to improving the daily lives of the citizens to whom it is due. And I believe in a policy that unites a country around valid causes,” he defended.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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