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Extremadura will dedicate 1.5 million euros to the digitalization of small and medium-sized businesses

The Minister of Economy, Employment and Digital Transformation, Guillermo Santamaría, announced the launch of a helpline for stimulate the digitalization of SMEswith an investment of 1.5 million euros, during its participation in the VI edition of the Young Entrepreneur Prize, organized by AJE Extremadura.

Among the services that businesses will be able to install thanks to this aid, there is the electronic invoicewhich will be mandatory from July 2025. This help line is part of the measures envisaged in the “Extremadura Digital Transformation Strategy 2027”, aimed at modernize the economic fabric Extremadura through the adoption of new technologies and digital services.

Santamaría congratulated the winners and the AJE Extremadura organization because “with these awards, the young entrepreneur, entirely in line with the work of María Guardiola’s government.”

Since its creation in 1999, the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Extremadura, AJE Extremadura, has carried out work to support young entrepreneurs in the region and stimulate the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

In the main categories, the rewards They were awarded for the professional career to Jaime Tejedor of the TC Consumibles group and the regional prize for young entrepreneur 2024 to Ángel López Braganza of the Incalexa group.

María Seco, from Step Dance Studio, received the internationalization prize; The technological development prize was awarded to Inmaculada Barrero, from Azimut Topografía y Drones SL; The Generational Relay prize was awarded to Olalla Borrego, from Segurex; the Autonomous prize to Pablo Bonilla, of Train Your Talent; Future for Gisela Flores, from Gio Studio; that of sustainability to Eduardo Morales, of Biofarm Fly.

These prices focus on recognize, motivate and guide young entrepreneurs of the region, highlighting their efforts, their innovation and their ability to overcome the challenges of the business world and to give visibility to young entrepreneurs.

One of the main objectives of these awards is to give visibility to young talents in Extremadura and “this is the line that we are following from the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Digital Transformation. Young people appear as a priority group in the battery of measures that we have been implementing since our arrival in Regional government to help our businesses,” he said in Santamaría.

In this sense, the advisor emphasized that the Digital Talent Planthrough which more than a thousand digital profiles are trained in Extremadura, during its first twelve months of operation.

He also recalled the help for Digital Nomadsendowed with two million euros, and intended to attract qualified personnel from other regions of Spain and the world to Extremadura.

Other measures are Assistance with modernizationendowed with 12 million euros, and aimed at improving the productive capacity, growth and improving the competitiveness of the self-employed and micro-SMEs in Extremadura. There is also aid for the digital transformation of the industrial sector, endowed with three million euros, and aimed at improving the efficiency, sustainability and productivity of industrial companies in Extremadura.

The AJE Extremadura event also included a round table, moderated by the General Director of Business of the Government of Extremadura, Celina Pérez Casado, in which three businessmen and winners of previous editions of the awards participated: Manuel Díaz Sanz, CEO and co-founder. from; María Alves Morales, CEO and founder of the Althea SL Surgery Center; and Myriam Giganto Jiménez, CEO and founder of GI&GO, director of the Rainha da Paz Foundation and commercial director of Bolschare.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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