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“Sánchez knew it, he covered it up and lied, the situation is untenable”

The president of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijóomade a statement from Warsaw (Poland) where he directly pointed the finger at the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for the corruption that affects the PSOE and its executive. “I knew it. He covered it up. He lied. This situation is untenable. The government does not serve the Spanish people,” the opposition leader stressed on Friday. “No honest president would evade his responsibility when the corruption that surrounds him “It’s moving at a frightening pace.”underlined Feijóo, who met in the Polish capital with the Prime Minister of this country, Donald Tuskand with Frontex representatives in their commitment to promoting a “European alliance” against irregular immigration.

After having read two successive reports from the Central operating unit (COU) of the Civil Guard who commit the Government to Koldo Field and its ramifications (such as Delcy affair), the president of the Popular Party accused Sánchez of “lack of exemplarity”ensuring that the social-communist executive is not able to continue. “Governing has become in Spain a an exercise to hide corruptionFeijóo affirmed, denouncing that more than three years have passed without Sánchez’s cabinet having given the necessary explanations.

At the same time, Feijóo stressed that there has never been a corruption scandal in Spain. had covered so many ministries and so many state institutions. “The truth is beginning to emerge through judicial information and it can no longer be concealed or controlled by anyone,” he noted.

In this sense, he declared that this government “is not able to serve our country.” And given this, he assured that “I will stop working to change it”, emphasizing that “Spain deserves to give a chance to the exemplarity that Sánchez and his executive lack.”

“Can this government solve any problem of the Spanish people or is it only concerned with your personal and legal problems? Has this government served the Spanish people or is it only dealing with their personal and legal problems? Feijóo wonders about Sánchez’s management, surrounded by corruption?

Pedro Sánchez, “The 1”

This Thursday, it appeared, on the basis of one of the reports that the UCO sent to the National Court, that the plot of Koldo Garciawho was advisor to the former Minister of Public Works Jose Luis Abalosused a code name for Pedro Sánchez: “El 1”.

“The President of the Dominican Republic We will see it with our 1”. This is how the members of the Koldo Field when they spoke in code about the President of the Government. This is one of the conclusions drawn by the UCO in its latest investigation report submitted to the judge. Ishmael Morenothe president of the Central Investigating Court number 2 of the National Court.

“In their conversations, when they refer to the President of the Government, they always name him as The 1”says UCO in a new research report on Koldo Field dated October 8.

The report contains many examples in which the businessman Victor de Aldama or Koldo García calls Sánchez “El 1”. They do this, on one occasion, when they talk about Sánchez’s meetings with some of his ministers, such as The Hacienda (referring to former vice president Nadia Calvino), to deal with issues such as the rescue of Air Europa or to coordinate the arrival in Spain of Nicolás Maduro’s vice-president, Delcy Rodriguezanother scandal that confuses the government.

So much so that Pedro Sánchez, after visiting Pope Francis in Rome, recognized – because this is what appears in one of the UCO reports known these days – more than four years later that Ábalos informed him of Delcy Rodríguez’s visit in January 2020, a few days before his landing at Madrid airport.

Likewise, the leader of the PSOE indicated that “when the Spanish government realized” that there were “individual sanctions” weighing on Delcy Rodríguez ““The tour has been canceled.”. “It is the participation of the Spanish government,” concluded Sánchez, also ignoring the meeting between Ábalos and Delcy in a VIP area company facilities Ciel Vallet who provided the service of handling to planes leased by the Venezuelan government.

Against the mafias

On the other hand, in terms of the fight against irregular immigration, Feijóo regretted that the Sánchez’s executive does not use the capacity of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), which has more than 10,000 soldiersto deal with the migration crisis that Spain is going through, in particular the Canary Islands

After visiting his headquarters in Warsaw, the PP leader highlighted the usefulness of Frontex in protecting the European border on any illegal immigration route, so that the returns of irregulars “will be more effective” and put an end, in the countries of origin, to “human trafficking from which the mafias profit”. “The government must look for solutions and Frontex is helping to find the solution,” added Feijóo, criticizing the fact that the Executive holds the autonomous communities responsible for this issue.

From Poland, after meeting his Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, the leader of the PP welcomed the fact that his government had end to the occupation of institutions of the State by the previous executive – a colonization like that which Spain is currently undergoing – and promoted the “ambitious reformist program” of his government against conformism and “its moderate fiscal policy “faced with a massive tax increase.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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